A Proclamation

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Princess Ella Ryhs and Prince Ryder Miles Fitzherbert born in Corona one of and the biggest of the four kingdoms. Both were bright and excitable children, as their names would suggest, with promising futures. Born to the perfect family, born with perfect friends and perfect lives. That's the way everything was in four kingdoms: perfect. The four kingdoms were where all the fairytale hero's, princes, and princesses were. Off to the side on a man-made island, or rather magic made island, was the Isle of the lost where all the villains and sidekicks from their stories lived. They were banished there two years before Princess Ella was born, kept under a protective dome to keep them there. The four kingdom heirs grew up in a time of peace and prosperity. The villains had been powerless and imprisoned for twenty years with no escape. Or at least that's what everyone thought. 


Ella Ryhs Fitzherbert got in her car and asked her driver to take her to Ben's palace so she could get ready for the coming school year with him and his girlfriend Audrey like a good royal advisor and future queen. When she was let out, she maneuvered around people the castle ground expertly and avoided bumping into people. She got to the gates and looked up at the guard "Good morning, Malcom," she smiled flashing her ID and the sun pendant around her neck. Anyone could fake an ID, and with magic anyone could take her appearance, but that necklace was one of a kind and no one could get it from around her neck. The guard, Malcom, smiled and moved away the moment the pendant was shown.

She walked up the stairs, swerving around guards and servants greeting them as she made her way to Ben's office, catching Chip's son before he could fall to the ground in the process. "Careful Carson." She gratefully took an apple from Mrs. Potts and handed her hoodie to Chapeau, both of whom smiled and wished her a good day. Everyone was always in a good mood in Auradon.

With quiet graceful steps she walked into Ben's office where she was met with the sight of Ben looking over paperwork with his sleeves rolled up and his tongue between his teeth. Audrey was off to the side on her phone and checking her makeup. Ella scrunched up her nose at that. "Oh Ellie," Audrey smiled. Ella was never sure if it was real or fake anymore. They had been friends for years but recently Audrey had been on a warpath for the queen's throne. It was a path Ella knew she didn't want to follow her down, not to mention it was the path that broke both her and Ryder's hearts. She silently waved, staying polite and made her way to the desk.

"Hey El," Ben smiled. She ruffled his hair and sat across from him. He gave her a playful glare before flattening his hair back down. He took a deep breath, looking like he was ready to announce Armagedón, "guys, I had an idea."

"Yes Bennyboo?" Audrey asked. Ella stifled a laugh upon seeing Bens horribly hidden wince at the nickname.

Ben was playing with his fingers and stammering. Ella walked around the desk and rubbed his shoulders in a show of good faith. "Thanks El," he sighed and blurted it out. "I was thinking we could bring some kids from the isle over so they could go to school here."

Audrey gave a short, scared gasp, "Why would we do that? They're there for a reason."

"Audrey, I don't think it's right that they are punished for their parents' crimes. They have done nothing wrong to deserve their parents' sentence."

Ella nodded a smiled coming to her face, "This could be a great idea! Ben's right no one should suffer for their parents' crimes." Ella smiled despite the hint of fear that bubbled under her skin. Audrey looked at the princess in betrayal.

Ella looked at Ben inquiringly and he answered her unspoken question. "I only choose one so far, Maleficent's daughter Mal. I feel like she need the most help living with who her mother is," Audrey squeaked.

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 (𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝕺𝖓𝖊)Where stories live. Discover now