Special Treat

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Ella walked into Remedial Goodness 101 with some forms for Fairy godmother to sign off on so the high school could get the day free for the coronation. As she walked in, she heard a shrill voice call, "Evie, It's mommy. Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Don't you mean the weeds," Ella stopped looking at the horned fairy. It was like her fear had frozen her.

"Ooh! Who's the old bat?" Cruella poked her head in looking crazy, well crazier.

Mal answered, "This is Fairy Godmother."

"Still doing tricks with Eggplants." Maleficent teased.

Ella couldn't help but listen and watch, this is what the once mighty villains had been reduced to, the ones who her mother told her were dangerous, the ones who terrorized the world. They looked tired, annoyed and dare she say, powerless. Getting their joy off on petty insults and picking on one's pride, "I turned a pumpkin in to a beautiful carriage," Fairy godmother said, offended.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella till one A.M.? I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels? -" They laughed.

"They were mice! They were not... they were mice. They were not..." Fairy godmother said, trying not to lose her dignity.

Mal intervened seeing Fairy godmother's discomfort. "Thank you so much. Thank you."

Said woman turned to the screen and whispered one last time, "They were mice."

"Hi mom."

"Mal! I m-m-miss you." Evil Queen had to hit her horn for her to get the words out. Ella rolled her eyes.

"You children are never far from our thoughts," Jafar added.

Ella looked at the backs of her new friends and boyfriend. They all looked stiff as if they would rather be anywhere else. No one should be that scared talking to their parents. "How long must mommy wait to see you?"

"Um, there's a big coronation coming up. I think sometime probably after... that. " Mal said, shifting a little.

"When" her mother demanded.

"Friday 10 am"

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do If I don't get my hands on that magic wan... you... you little nugget that I love so much." It looked like I physically pained Maleficent to say that. Ella tilted her head and tightened her lips that didn't sound good.

Jafar notices someone behind his son, "Who is that?" They all turned and saw Ella standing there with Papers.

Fairy godmother smiled. "Hello Ella dear, what did you need?"

Ella snapped back to life; she walked up sparing a dazzling blinding white smile at the villains. "I need you to sign off on a few things for the coronation," she said, passing the papers to fairy godmother.

"Who is that?" Jafar demanded again a little harshly.

"This Is princess Ella, Rapunzel's daughter. She's really close with Princes Ben and organized half of the relocation proclamation," Jay answered, not daring to look his father in the eye.

Ella kept her fake smile despite the fact that Jafar was glaring at her, Fairy godmother handed her the forms back. Ella turned to her Boyfriend, "I'll see you at lunch, you can cheer me up after my AP Calculus test. I might just fail." she giggled nervously tapping his chest making her way to hug Mal, Evie, And Carlos, each hugging back tightly but never letting their eyes waver from the screen, she made sure to kiss Jay's cheek as well.

𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖞 (𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝕺𝖓𝖊)Where stories live. Discover now