Lonnie's New Hair

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Mal and Evie invited Ella and Jazzy to their dorm for two reasons. Number one being that they just generally enjoyed their company. The Princesses didn't seem to just be putting up with them, they were actually happy to hang out with them and spoke to them like normal people. Jazzy was walking around the room with a measuring tape and a clipboard with pencil in her mouth. "Um Jazzy what are you doing?" Evie asked.

She grabbed the pencil, wrote something down and stuck it behind her ear. "This place needs a serious makeover. The pink is killing me. So, I know it has to be killing you too, our dorm is light Blue on my side and Purple on Ella's." Mal and Evie looked at each other in shock. These princesses were literally their good guy opposites. "There are small touches of gold here and there because of our family symbols. Ya know the sun and the lamp."

Ella, who was on the floor throwing the ball she stole from tourney practice up and down while laying on her back chimed in. "I can sketch up some decor while Jazzy sews some new curtains and bedding if you'd like."

"Yes, yes, yes do it, I can't stand this," Mal borderline begged.

Ella laughed at her VK counterpart, "No need to beg fey." She propped herself up on her elbows, "Dragons or Skulls," She winked.

Mal tensed and looked over at Jazzy in silent question Ella shook her head letting Mal know that only Ella knew. Even Ben didn't know after he saw the girl from his dreams on the file, he had only skimmed her information not going past the first page where her mother was listed as a primary caregiver. Her father was listed on the third page under, 'other heritage.' "Both." She muttered. She didn't life her father, but he was a part of her and made her powerful and if that was all he was good for then so be it, she would acknowledge it. 

Ella flashed her a perfect smile, "You got it, what about you E, crowns or hearts?" She looked to be having an inner crisis. "I'll just do both," she decided for the Isle princess and went back to throwing her ball.

The second reason Evie and Mal invited the princess over was because Jane was coming by, and she was not in a good mood. She started complaining almost immediately about her mother, "Mom said, "If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it." Can you believe her? What world does she live in?"

"Auradon," Mal and Jazzy answered. Mal looked at her in slight surprise and Jazzy gave a small smile, The princess yawned, "Need coffee," She picked up a cup and took a sip.

Ella frowned, "That was mine."

"Mine now," Ella just stuck out her tongue Jazzy did it back and yelped when Ella threw the ball at her. It just bounced off the wall and came right back to the blonde who caught it easily.

Evie held up an outfit she was sewing. "Guys you like?"

"Yea. Brings out your eyes." Mal answered.


"Genies!" Ella and Jazzy said respectively. "That is amazing," Jazzy gushed.

Ella nodded, "Yeah you two are more talented than like half princesses here. Who cares about curtsies and flowers and royal etiquette?" 

The VK's smiled at her compliment, they had never been sincerely complimented before. It fell as soon as Jane started to complain again, "I'll never get a boyfriend."

"Boyfriends are overrated," Mal answered.

"How would you know Mal? You've never had one," Evie teased.

Mal looked up. "Cause I don't need one E. They're a waste of time."

Evie looked panicked and gasped, "I forgot to do Chads homework." Ella and Jazzy groaned.

"And that is exactly what I mean."

Ella looked annoyed and disappointed, "no stop pencil down he's a mean person."

"Honestly E, He does this to a new girl every year." Jazzy agreed.

"And I would know, I was betrothed to him," Ella winced.

Evie's eyes widened a bit, they took on a slight blue tint, it was almost invisible if you weren't right next to her. If Evie didn't know any better, she would tell you she could see the rage and heartbreak rolling off of Ella in waves. "What?"

"I'm guessing that's a story," Mal hissed, already feeling protective of Ella.

"To make a long story short me and Chad had been betrothed since we were kids, we had a good and pretty serious relationship for a while but then I caught him flirting with Debbie Darling. She kept trying to tell him to stop because he was dating me, but they had been paired on a project together and he was trying to get her to do his work. I only know that because he admitted it to me when I threatened to take off my betrothal ring."

"I don't see a ring now," Mal noted.

"This all happened at a party at her castle, he admitted it, she threw it at him and hit him in the eye. Her parents called Queen Ella and King Henry and broke it off." Mal snorted but Evie just lowered her pencil and took a moment to think.

There was a knock and Lonnie walked in, "Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie." They looked confused. "My mom's Mulan?" Still no bells ringing. Ella had to choke down a chuckle. She was confused though Shan Yu was not on the isle, he was hard to forget. "No? Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?"

"Why would I do that for you?" Mal asked.

Lonnie held out a small pouch, "I'll pay you fifty dollars."

"Good answer. I need to buy more material," Evie said, grabbing the change pouch. "Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights."

Lonnie waved her off, "Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Mal's," She spoke, waving Evie off.

Mal looked at her own hair in question. "Really?" Mal asked.

"The split ends too" Evie asked. Mal glared but she just shook the money pouch.

Purple haired girl rolled off the bed with a groan, and almost stepped on Ella who yelped. "Okay... 'Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair.'"

She waved her finger and Lonnie's hair grew into waves with a few inches of Sea green dying the bottom. She had no idea where the color came from or why it was that specific color. "You're killing it," Jazzy complemented Mal high fiving her. Said girl smirked. 

"I know. I know." Evie caught their attention. "It looks like a mop on your head. You know what? Let's cut it off, layer it-" 

"No, no I love it."

She raised an eyebrow, "You do?"

"Yea it's just," Lonnie ripped her skirt, Jazzy laughed, and Ella clapped She couldn't helobut remember Merida's story. Her shooting for her own hand and ripping her dress, "Now I'm cool."

Mal hung off the bedpost smiling, "Like ice."

Jane got in front of the mirror and tried the same thing. She gasped when she realized exactly what she did. "What did I do? Mom's gonna kill me!"

Published: May 18, 2020
Updated/ Edited: Jan 14, 2023

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