Family Day

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It had been a week since Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie had moved to Auradon. The villain kids are in remedial goodness class.

"Children, excuse me. Um, as you know, uh, this Thursday is family day here at Auradon prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat," Fairy Godmother explains before walking to the front of the class where there is a tv. She turns it on just for Maleficent's face to be covering the screen.

"I don't see anything, nor do I hear," Maleficent says as she backs up to reveal Jafar and Cruela on either side of her with the Evil Queen and Ally behind her.

"Kids!" Fairy Godmother calls causing them to go stand behind her.

"Is it... is...Press enter. Can I please see a remote? Is this thing on? Ugh, It's broken. Ugh! I hate electronic equip..." Maleficent says before she stops.

"Oh! Evie, It's mommy. Oh! Look how beautiful," The Evil Queen says. "Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent says causing the Evil Queen to send her a glare and Ally to roll her eyes.

"Ooh! Who's the old bat?" Cruela asks as they finally notice the older lady.

"This is fairy godmother," Mal answers in warning. Ally looks over at Jay and smiles as she sees that he is already looking at her.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent asks her.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage," Fairy Godmother corrects.

"You really couldn't give cinderella till one A.M.?" Maleficent asks. "I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?"

"They were mice!" Fairy Godmother corrects again. "They were not... they were mice. They were not...They were mice." Fairy Godmother moves beside the tv and Mal steps forward.

"Hi, mom," Mal says.

"Mal! I m-m-miss you," Maleficent finally gets out.

"You children are never far from our thoughts," Jafar says.

"I got it," Maleficent tells him. "How long must mommy wait to see you?"

"Um, there's a big coronation coming up," Mal answers. "I think sometime probably after... that."

"When?" Maleficent asks.

"Friday, 10 A.M," Mal answers and Ally looks over at Jay to see if it's true. Jay nods even though Ally could tell that there was something off.

"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do If I don't get my hands on that magic wan... you... you little nugget that I love so much," Maleficent says as she struggles not to reveal anything.

"Yes, I completely understand, mother," Mal says.

"Carlos, is that a dog?" Cruela asks finally noticing Dude and getting up close to the camera. "Oh, yes, yes, baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs."

"He's the perfect size for a pet," Carlos argues as he steps forward, shocking Ally. Auradon has changed them. They looked happy to be there.

"Oh!" Cruela says shocked that he is fighting back.

"This dog loves me, and I love him. And fyi, your dog is stuffed! So give it a rest!" Carlos says causing Cruela to move away from the camera.

"Oh-ho! Burn!" Jafar says as he laughs.

"Oh! Why don't you go sell a toaster, you two-bit salesman!" Cruela says.

"People who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw stones," Jafar argues.

"Oh, well, people who sell toasters shouldn't use mixed metaphors," Cruela argues back.

"Enough!" Ally says as her eyes flash blue before Jay turns the chat off.

"I'm so sorry," Fairy Godmother says.

"Thanks for the special treat," Jay says, happy that he at least got to see Ally's face.

"Of course," Fairy Godmother says before they walk away to grab their stuff.

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