You Didn't Think That Was The End Of The Story, Did You?

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You Didn't Think That Was The End Of The Story, Did You?

~Two Years Later~

"Evie, how much longer?" Ally whines as she sits with her eyes closed, waiting on her friend to finish her make up.

"Almost," Evie answers her. "You complain as much if not more than your sister did.

"I can't believe this day is finally here!" Uma says as she fixes Ally's hair.

"E!" Ally says getting impatient and her hair starts to glow.

"Hey no turning blue," Uma scolds Ally.

"All done," Evie says as she boops Ally's nose with the make up brush.

"Let's get you in the dress!" Mal cheers causing Ally to smile. Ally honestly doesn't know what she would do without Evie, Uma, and Mal. After helping her into the dress, Uma leads her over to the mirror.

"Okay, you can look now," Uma tells her.

"Oh my goodness! I look.." Ally starts.

"Say it," Mal says with a smile as she remembers her own experience.

"Not hideous," Ally says with a giggle.

"Not even close," Uma says as they all smile and laugh.

"Thank you guys so much. I honestly don't know what I would do without you," Ally tells them.

"Knock, knock," Hades says as he opens the door. "It's time." Mal, Evie, and Uma all squeal in excitement before leaving the room to go to their places. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, dad," Ally says with a smile before grabbing her flowers.

Jay is standing at the alter waiting to see Ally. Carlos, Ben, and Gil stand beside him as the music starts to play. Uma is the first to walk out followed by Mal and then Evie. Jay can feel his heart beat quicken as the wedding march starts to play and his hands get sweaty. Hades leads Ally down the aisle and her eyes immediately lock on Jay causing her to smile. Jay holds back tears as he sees how beautiful Ally is. He couldn't believe how lucky he is to be marrying her. Hades places Ally's hand into Jay's as they reach the alter before kissing her on the cheek. As Ally stares into Jay's eyes, she felt as if they were the only two there.

"I do," Jay says causing Ally to smile.

"I do," Ally says not long after causing Jay to smile.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride," Fairy Godmother says before Jay kisses Ally. Carlos and Mal start cheering before everyone else follows causing Jay and Ally to pull apart as Ally giggles.

"I love you, Ally," Jay says as they lean their foreheads together.

"And I love you, Jay," Ally says with a giggle before they kiss again. It was definitely one of the happiest days of Ally's life.

And they lived happily ever after.

And they lived happily ever after

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