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Trigger warning: mention of deaths, and bombings

I had all of our stuff packed faster than what I thought I would. I had all of his stuff packed in a suit case and a bag, mine in a different suit case, I decided to only grab important things, a few collectibles, and I packed all of our silverware and dishes in a different bag. I layed it all out on the couch and excitedly awaited for max to arrive home.

He and Meredith had been in contact sll this week, singing divorce papers. They had been officially divorced two days ago.

Just as I sat on the couch, I heard a loud bang. I jumped out of my skin instantly, screaming. My ears were ringing, and all I could smell was something burning and a stench of chemicals. I rubbed my eyes, and got up, slightly tripping over myself, and I walked towards the front door, opening it.

What I saw, that's what truly will haunt me forever. Black, everywhere. The grass was singed in everyone's front yard. The house directly across from mine had the front part of it gone, flames and people on the ground, lifeless replaced it instead. I heard nothing, yet it was still so loud. People were everywhere , cold and dead on the ground. My brain couldn't understand it. They are just sleeping. I looked around. I didn't hear any sirens, didn't see any cop cars or fire trucks. I also didn't see anyone else alive. It's like I'm the only one standing, like it's the end of the world.

I had come to the conclusion that a bomb went off.

Max's car pulled up to the drive way, and he got out, running to me , instantly embracing me. He quickly kissed my cheek, then began to check all over my body for any type of wound. He wiped something wet off my face. I didn't even realize I was crying, in fact, I didn't even realize I was full on sobbing, wretched groans and sobs were escaping my lips, I couldn't understand anything.

He shook me. I turned my head to face him. His mouth was moving. He was speaking . Theo what is he saying.

Soon I finally heard his angelic voice, although I'm not sure if it was because the ringing was going down or if he was getting louder.

"Theo! Are you okay?" He screamed. I frantically nodded. I went to speak, but I wasn't sure if I was saying the right words as I couldn't even hear myself.

"I'm fine! I think a bomb went off!" I said. He nodded. This was the first time I took a step back. My house wasn't affected at all. The blue paneling on the side still remained blue. The columns remained standing. It's as if a protective barrier stood around us.

"Let's go! Grab the stuff we are leaving!" He said, at what I'm assuming was the top of his lungs. We grabbed the stuff and loaded it in his car, heading off to Merediths house.

Driving past all of the houses and neighborhoods, every single one of them were demolished or a part way gone. Except a few. A few that I recognized the man from the bar get into to on my way home from work. One I recognized a girl by herself lived. Then it clicked. Only homosexuals got their house bombed. Mine wasn't because no one knows I am.

We soon arrived at the big White House. Max pulled over and got out, running up to the door.

Meredith got out, a stern look on her face, probably because she told him to not come back here. He was speaking. Her face dropped, her eyes averted to me, in the car. She looked back at max , and turned around, shouting, although it sounded like a whisper to me. The two kids came out of the house and hugged max. Max then waved and made his way back to the car.

He got in and looked at me. His eyes were sad, but they looked like they were ready to move on. I smiled , and he smiled back. The road ahead of us was unknown, but we were excited to see.

Original written date: October 25th 2019

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