the moon

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"They sacrificed my Erim at the altar of high priest when I was twelve, it was either they took turns in raping me or killing him." Selene's voice was grave and painful.

Persephone didn't knew what to say but tears gathered in her eyes.

"I kept screaming and trashing but they decapitated him infront of me and..... didn't stopped there. I remember running barefoot after they ripped off my clothes. I was naked and cold.....they were going to rape me infront of his dead boby so I fought back.

I ran as far as I could and then stumbled in the temple of Lord Hades. It was dark, abandoned and I was still a child..I-I didn't knew what to do. I wanted to kill myself but Erim's child was in my womb." Persephone's breath hitched as her fist clenched in fury.

"Lord Hades saved me that day."

"Do you still love him?" Selene smiled sadly.

"The first thing I did when I became moon goddess was searching his soul. His soul was renewed and he was a  normal humanbeing having a good wife and three lovely daughters so I never bothered him. But I made sure to save them from any evils. He will always have a place in my heart."

"What you did Selene is unforgettable and purely evil. I cannot forget how you cursed my mate and tortured my parents. Why do you even hate Hades?" Persephone sighed asking the question which was brewing inside her for a long time.

"When I was twenty. Our daughter marian was a healthy grown child, my sweet little daughter.. It was the time of plague and the villagers decided to sacrifice a virgin maiden." Selene face morphed into one of horror and extreme sadness.

"They caught hold of Marian when I was not in the house. Shaved off her head and took off her clothes." Tears flowed down the eyes of Queen of Underworld while Selene felt hollowness.

"When I came back my was gone. I was worshipping Lord Hades when she was taken. I was frantically running without knowing any direction and then...Marian was there infront of me. Her eyes were opened and throat slit, blood was oozing out.....her limbs were broken and body was battered right under Zeus' statue." Selene brought her knees closer rocking herself slowly.

"They killed her and t-threw her body to beasts. I saw that all....when they ripped off my baby. They restrained me in chains so I could not reach her. I w-was calling out for Lord Hades....but when she was gone I resented him because I thought he didn't came for me...for her.

What I did was a sin. I have done so many things and there is no forgiveness for my deeds. But please tell King Hades I never hated him.....I always loved him...respected him. And it wasn't a love for a throne or pleasure. I loved him because he saved me. He protected me and I can....I cannot describe how grateful I am as now I know my child didn't go through that much pain.

When I cursed him...I felt like a horrible person, that woman wasn't me, the woman I see in the mirror is not me anymore she is a monster but I tell you Hades loves you more than anything.

He would never break your trust. After you killed Adrian, Hades resurrected him and punished him. I still hear his screams at night and I am proud."

"You gave me to him so he could break me. You broke my mate bond. Adrian was a monster still you bound me to him. You are a moon goddess, still you are cruel and unjust." Persephone saw infront of her not meeting Selene's eyes, anger laced her tone.

"I would not advocate for my evil deeds but I assure you Persephone even if Hades hadn't saved you that day .....after you rejected that monster, not even a single hair of your head would have been harmed.

I cursed you, I hated you but I put a charm around you. It still works. Nobody can touch you if you don't want them to.

I sure am a monster and for that I will accept each and every punishment now that my vengeance is over and I know what King Hades had done for my baby."

Persephone nodded." What about Eros?"

"Eros" Selene laughed. "He is a fool, so beautiful but a fool. He thinks I don't know that he was never at my side, that he was helping you.....I always did but let that happen. He is very kind hearted Persephone." She smiled

"Then why don't you go after him?"

"I will ruin him if I go closer to him. After Erim if I love someone then it's definitely him and I don't want to hurt him."

"Then what do you want?"

"Hades came that day here and the hatred in his eyes for me ....... was something I never wanted to see. I have taken my revenge as sick as that sounds, I made werewolves so that I could have slaves who would kill for me. I had slaughtered whole Athenes and massacred men."

She sighed like the wave of exhaustion was hitting her hard.

"The men who killed my daughter... I tortured them for ages. Each and every rebirth of their is paying for their crimes.

It was the temple of Zeus and he didn't stopped the heinous crime....I have given each of his child a curse so he could feel helpless just like I did and now that I am done......I want to die."

Persephone froze on hearing those words....death.

"You can have my powers but I will give you something else for your mate has done so much for my family and yes please tell goddess Astra that I knew she wasn't in my dungeon......her shadow was."

Persephone nodded slowly, her mind in turmoil.

"Goddess is the creation above all, sacrifice will endowed and evil will fall.

Droplets of dew and stars from sky each will become evidence of my fall.

I ,Selene, the goddess of almighty moon bless you and your beast renew.

The mightiest of wolves and stronger than sea, whose fur would be as white as ice could be.

Your beast would be saviour of souls, kinder than earth each drop renewed.

Your child would be warrior of night, invincibility will be his armour, so shall it thrive.

Songs would be sung, sky will praise the earth on which he walks will ablaze.

The blessings of a sacrifical maiden will stream till the ocean breaths it's last wind new."

"Thankyou" Persephone smiled genuinely and just like that Selene remembered if her Marian was alive she would have looked the same, those cerulean doe eyes, the brown wavy hair, everything was exactly same.

"Goddess supreme." And all her life source travelled to Persephone's body, it's light shining brighter than ever before, all veins in Persephone's body thrumming with energy and light.

When her energy flew in Persephone and after so much she realised that when blessing Goddess Astra and Alpha Damien she created the child whom she lost a long ago.....her Marian.

Persephone was the same soul just different body but Selene kept quite, her heart in thousand years rejuvinated with mirth. But the second the warmth came it was just gone.

Her eyes widened.....she unknowingly tortured her own messed up was her life and how vile was she. Her self loathing and guild deceased for a second when she held Persephone's hand.

Even if she didn't call Hades would have came that day, because his soul would have recognized Marian as his own. She was safe....already dead... in heavens when they came for her, it was Hades they killed.

It was his soul that weeped with the loss of his loved soul and Selene was too late to now know that.... it all happened because of the threads of fate, she was killed because if she wasn't then Persephone wouldn't have been born.

Marian was just a cover Persephone's soul has adopted for reaching Hades.
And now she is at her destination.

"I am so proud of you my child, may you get all happiness of the world, nothing evil could touch you, you would be filled with mirth and life. I bless you with a very happy life Persephone and yes tell Hades I am sorry for what he lost."

And before Persephone could ask what she meant. Selene was reduced to grey ashes.

Persephone's mouth released a painful sob and she couldn't understand why the death of the woman who had hated her so much made her heart clench painfully.

She collected the ashes and left the dungeon.


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