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Those who have forgotten. Persephone has granted Selene soul another body thus making Eros matebond rejuvenate again with the rebirth of Selene.

Psyche is Selene's rebirth.

Dark red liquid splattered on her face dripped slowly from her chin.... her own child's blood... Her Marian.

Selene sat on her knees, all alone in the middle of nowhere, nobody by her side....all alone, broken and tossed aside, her body limp as she looked ahead, her eyes unfocused, tears streaming down her face.

Her child was murdered, her Marian brutally thrown to beasts of night, such cruelty bestowed upon a mere child, naked and cold, her lifeless body nowhere to be found.

She had screamed for him for help, begged to let her only child live, he betrayed her.

Her god betrayed her. 


She got up trembling, her feet covered with thorns piercing the creamy skin as she payed it little heed walking towards the place she swore never to step a foot inside....the alter of Zeus and Hera.

A fire was burning by the far end of the temple, beside the sacred shrine. Selene dragged her battered body towards the fire. 

"I, Selene the loyal priestess of God Hades sacrifice herself to the sacred fire infront of queen of Gods Hera. Take my body goddess, take my blood, take every little thing left inside me for your offering but make me the moon."

Selene stepped inside the burning pyre closing her eyes. Her pained screams echoed throughout the place singing a horror song, her body burned, skin melting, bones crushing and soon her soul left the battered body.

Her eyes opened only to find herself infront of a mirror, her head tilted as she observed the stars and her ownself.

Moon goddess Selene

"From this day onwards to the last day of my poisonous life, I will make your life miserable, I hate myself, loath my existence but yours.....I will make everything attached to you suffer.

I will have you to myself and then in your sweet sleep which couldn't be broken ...not even by a mother's horrified pleas and such barbaric incident....I will kill you in your sleep Hades.

I will search till my soul crack, hurt each and everything you love.. I will destroy you."


Serene, cool breeze tickled her rosy cheeks, melodic laughter like drops of honey dripping from the petals of a rose echoed throughout the park on a hot summer day. Her sister's hand like a touch of heaven grazed her fingertips as she ran further away giggling.

"Don't tell me, you are tired so soon Fiona." Fiona shook her head smiling softly as she observed Psyche's golden brown head shining in pure aurum sunlight moving away from herself, running towards their father Geralt.


"Hey there princess" 

"Papa"She threw herself at him, her nineteen year old self unaware of the anything besides her family that kept her clutched to their hearts. Psyche was born as a four pound child with big glittery blue eyes and long black lashes fluttering as she slept in a heavenly daze.

Tiny, healthy but extremely fragile, the girl had to be put in with the heat of her mother for several days due to her troubled breathing and cold body. 

"Have you invited him yet." She blushed scarlett when Fiona teased her about her mate Eros.

Eros was a mysterious wolf, he was taken with high regards in Blue moon pack, but he wasn't the Alpha. Nobody knos from where did he came from but one thing was for sure, his lineage was regal, each of his movements showed precision and power. 

"Aww my baby has all grown up." Their mother Cara gushed with pure adoration in her eyes. 

"So grown up that she and Eros do the deed in forest."Geralt and Cara watched their daughters with wide eyes.

"WHAT DEED?" Geralt screeched. 

"Hunting father... they hunt."Fiona rolled her eyes, trying not to utter the truth, a mischievous smile lighting her face as Psyche flushed beautifully.

Eros and Psyche have unadulterated sex in flower fields countless of times, he seemed to be crazy for Psyche, no matter how many times they have had one another there was always some void which he needed to fill with her soothing presence. Eros breathed in Psyche.

"Mom dad do you see the way he looks at her?" Fiona couldn't help but feel absolute happiness for her sister.

"Like what?"

"Like she is his fallen moon and he wants to raise her high again."

Wrath✔[ Fables of The Past Series#1]Where stories live. Discover now