◯ The End, Finally, Begins; Chapter Thirty-Two ◯

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"Let me do it." Keith says, pushing his way to the front as if a moth drawn to a star. "I can tell her everything she needs to know and I can do it in private."

You shake your head, worry written on your face as the plan that it would require forms in your head. "There's not enough time. Lotor could be back any minute now, and he'll be very angry with me. I only need to know what Lance was talking about yesterday, I'm worried."

"You're worried about Lotor?"

"I'm worried about my obvious involvement in his challenge." You say, folding your arms a little defensively. "He can do whatever he wants- it's his challenge, after all- but if he drags me into it without telling me how I'll be participating first, then that's where I get involved."

The Paladins find a clear understanding in this, looking at each other with looks that share sympathy for the situation. "Go finish getting ready for the challenge and get ready to move out."

"What?" He says in protest, face growing hot with an anger of his his own brand. "I'm staying here until it's time."

"No, you're not. You have to put every last second into it if you intend to beat Lotor in combat." Shiro says, but you find it less calming than everyone else on the other end of the screen.

The situation is at its most awkward peak, in which it seems you should speak what you've been wanting to say, but a lack of context or understanding makes it nearly impossible. Therefore, you have to press for the information you desire, and it isn't going to be pretty.

You interrupt; "Combat? Why would anyone be engaging in combat with Lotor? He hardly fights fairly, and he's in his home base. You will have no high ground, he'll trick you without a doubt."

"We know." Lance shrugs, looking rather prideful. "That's why we have Pidge on the job. She'll be monitoring every entrance, exit and signal sent in and out of the place Lotor wants to host his challenge. Nothing will get past her if it gives us the opportunity of calling his loss from blatant cheating."

"I just can't imagine any of this blowing over well." You say hesitantly, speaking it with an unease in your gut. "I don't even know if I'll be able to help you."

"Why not?" Hunk asks. "Don't you have unlimited access to the entire ship, or super secret knowledge of things that can help us win?"

You sigh. "Paladins, you haven't even described to me what the challenge is yet! I cannot help you if I don't even know where you will be or what you will be doing!"

Realization hits the room as Keith finally parts with his team to leave for your ship, and Allura steps forward to take control of the situation. "I will describe the situation to you in full detail, Y/n. I only have one question for you."

"Yes, Princess?"

"How am I supposed to trust you with the information you've been given?" She asks. "This could all be a ruse, and now you know that we will be sending Keith, as well as looking out for when he'll be arriving. How can I be assured that this isn't a trap, that you aren't doing this all for Lotor's gain?"

Your gut clenches. It's true. This could easily just be one big, fat lie that Lotor's little princess could have served him on a silver platter.

"Do you want to trust me, Princess?" You ask, leaning eagerly into the conversation. She looks hesitant, but in a full-circle summary, she nods. "Then go with that, I beg of you. I may not know why, but I have a gut feeling that's bringing me closer to you and your team than it is toward my own fiancé. Help me understand, and let me help you."

Nodding more, she clears her throat and takes a deep breath. "This information may not be what you expect to hear, but it is still what you've asked for." She announces, starting off the explanation with a fair disclaimer.

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