Burning Bridges

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Later that week I tried to carve out some time to fill Erica in on everything. I did my best to explain the small details over text, but I knew she was bound to have a truck load full of questions that could be answered most easily in person. By this time I knew that she was pushing me away, but I was determined to fix that, somehow. I'd been taking her to her dads instead of hanging out with her for a few months now, but we knew better than to risk an overnight visit so one night afterwards I proposed a sleepover and she accepted. I figured she was going through a lot of life changes with reintroducing herself to her dad and trying to figure out what she wanted to do with the rest of her life, but so was I. Through the grapevine I heard that she had gotten a boyfriend, she hadn't told me quite yet but I figured if we were going to get close again I'd have to start there. I decided to beat around the bush a bit on the way back from her dads to my place, see if I could get her to tell me on her own.

"So what's new with you?" And who's this boy I keep hearing about from other people? I added in my head.

"Nothing much." She dismissed me.

"Nothing much? What's this I hear about a boy?" I specified. Alright so more direct approach it is.

"Oh... I guess I haven't told you about him. Well I was waiting until things were more official, but since you've already heard, his name is Shawn and we went out for the first time just the other day." She couldn't hide her smile.

"Yeah? How was that?"

"Really, really good! I think he's different than the other ones. I think I really like this one!"

"AWwwwww!" I teased. "When do I get to meet him? I gotta scare him away somehow." I joked as her phone started ringing.

"That's actually him now... Heyyyy." She answered it.

"Well don't just talk to him, put him on bluetooth!" I went to the pairing screen and unpaired my phone for her. If her boyfriend and I hit it off we'll be good for sure! I knew, preparing myself to be the fun joking friend I knew I had been to her before.

"Ok, one second. Hey babe, I'm gonna put you on the bluetooth, Elise wants to meet you." She explained taking down the phone and going through the settings. "Can you hear me?" She checked as it connected.

"What? Um... oh yup. Yup. Hey!" He started.

"Hey, I'm Elise, her best friend."

"Hey Elise."

"Well since I'm the best friend we might as well get this out of the way and I just wanted to let you know, if you hurt her I'll kill you." I laughed. Sarcastic, fun, what's he gonna say? Not if you can't catch me!


"I said if you hurt her... I'll kill you." I enunciated louder looking over at her smile. Oh please don't be taking this seriously. I begged as we giggled together.

"Erica... Erica." He tried to break through our laughter.

"Hmmm?" She stopped for a second.

"Erica, why... why does Elise wanna touch my penis?" He asked.

"What?" I was caught off guard. What kind of response is that?

"Why do you want to touch my penis?" He repeated.

"I... never said I wanted to." How did he get that from that? What do you mean? Do I want to touch your penis? That's what you're gonna say to your girlfriends best friend? Do I want to touch your penis?

"No, you said you'd kill me. You'd have to touch my penis to kill me." He rationalized.

"Since when would I have to touch your penis to kill you?" I didn't follow. Is everything this sexual with him? Is this who my best friend is dating? No. I don't like it. Anyone that jumps straight to that only has one thing on the mind. Do I want to touch your penis? No, and if I have a say in it neither does Erica.

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