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Soon Christmas time came around. I had three because of the whole adopted thing. The first one was at Steven and Dawn's. Finally they had started taking note of what I may have wanted for the year. Dawn took the time to check out my social media account to see what I did the most and together they purchased me all of the kitchen supplies they possibly could. I got a fancy standing mixer as well as several mixing tool options and measuring utensils. I got Dawn and Steven both generic gifts again figuring they would do the same for me. Glad to finally be proven wrong. However, Alex's gift had thought to it. I knew the parents would be getting him a gaming console, so I got him a game for it. He had had one of the games in that series for a different console and claimed to have really liked it. I had taken the time to pick it out and was excited for him to receive it.

"Oh, it's this game." Alex sighed tossing it on his pile.

"Yeah I remembered you playing it before, thought you'd like it." I explained.

"Well, the art is good, but I found the game play overall not interesting." He shorted rocking back and forth on crossed legs.

"Oh." Was all I could think to say. Sounds like someone wants a similar gift next year. I rolled my eyes grabbing the next present within reach. "Alex, this is from you." I ripped through the packaging. "What is this?" I held the strange corked jar up confused.

"Well I was going through the mall trying to find something for you and I saw this. I remembered how much you loved the movie, so I got you that." He explained as I tried to undo the cork.

"It's...oh!" I spilled some of the contents on the floor accidentally.

"It's bath salts. Deadly nightshade bath salts." He beamed at me. "So you can relax with a bath of deadly nightshade." He pulled his lips tight across his face.

"Oh ... yeah... I'm sure I can find... something to do with this." I decided in a low tone.

"You have a bathtub right? I wasn't sure if you had one over there." He added.

"No, not really... but maybe I can put it in some water to get the smell." I bounced my eyebrows and tried to replace the cork. It wouldn't go back in so I just set it precariously on the table near my presents. Yep, got it for himself then couldn't use it or forgot to use it. I rolled my eyes away from him as I set it down. He should know by now how not into bath stuff I am. Especially for how much I complained about Eric getting me it.

"Was that the last of the presents?" Alex asked expectantly. "Was there anything else?" He rephrased even more poorly.

"Nope, that's it." Steven answered annoyed.

"Well it was a lot of stuff. Frankly I'd be surprised if there was more." I looked between the parents with wide eyes sitting up tall. "Thank you! I'll get a lot of use out of all this stuff." I beamed towards them.

"Yeah, thanks for the stuff." Alex added in as an afterthought. "I should get going." He stood up. "Got some stuff I need to do." He grabbed a bag and started shoving stuff into it.

"You're not gonna stay and hang out at all?" Dawn asked watching him heave the bag up.

"No." He shorted.

"Oh, ok." She seemed disappointed.

For how much of a cunt she is, I think she thinks she cares. She just sucks at showing it. I rolled my eyes as he walked away without even slightly staying his stride to answer her.

"Well let us know that you got home alright." She added as he slammed the door.

"Well... How are you guys?" I asked trying to change topic and ignore the rudeness. Talking to them is still so weird. 

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