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It wasn't long before college started and I moved into my dorm. Having signed up late I was roomed with two other girls, with them I shared two additional suite mates just a wall away. Mary, Amy, and I shared a distaste for their entitled behavior and extensive bathroom routines, every morning was started with a brisk walk to the main floor's stalls, then a hike back up the eight floors our room rested above to get ready for class. I did my best not to concern myself with the prissy girls in the next room over, our room had enough problems as it was dealing with my polar opposite roomies.

Amy and I got along rather well. We'd chosen the same major and often shared the same classes. Mary, however, was a completely different story. It took her over a month to unpack all of her things from the boxes she left covering a little over half the floor in the room. She slept next to the window and enjoyed leaving it open throughout the day. This wouldn't have bothered us so much had she quelled this habit by the time winter rolled around. She snored (though claimed not to), brought over guests unannounced, ate everyone's food, and worst of all, she turned off all of my alarms in the morning without so much as waking me up. Eventually, after missing several quizzes and speaking about this with her in length several times, I had had enough and asked Austin if I could just live with him.

He took a moment to weigh the options, having sat through my entire rant, before responding. "I mean you can't move in or anything, but I guess you could stay here every so often."

"I'm just sick and tired of living with Mary, she's just impossible." I shook my head.

"Yeah that all sounds horrible." He agreed.

"Just tell me when you want me out and I'm gone alright? Just, for now, I get that it might cause more bills for you, but just let me know if you need money and I can pay you." I assured him with a big hug. "Thank you so much!"

"Eh yeah, whatever." He brushed it off as if it were nothing. "Just so long as we're clear that this is my house." He joked as he hugged me back.

"Well, technically it's your moms house." I prodded him playfully with a giggle. "I gotta go figure out my bank account soon." I sighed, switching topics.

"Wait, what's up with your bank account?"

"Well Steven and Dawn have access to my money right now, and I don't trust that, so I was gonna open a new checking and transfer everything over." I explained.

"Won't that go over bad?"

"Yeah, but what else am I supposed to do? They take money out of my account to put into savings. I don't trust it. I mean I know they're rich and everything, but I don't trust it. I'm gonna go over sometime tomorrow I think."

"I mean if you think that's what's best. I don't know. Not my place I guess."

"And you guess right." I joked.

So the next day I walked straight into my bank and created that new account. It was such a freeing feeling to be out from under them like that. I mean I've already gotten my own car, now they have no control over my cash. I beamed as I got into my car and drove back to Austin's house.

Hey so since I'm over eighteen the bank made me get my own checking account, like a college thing I guess. I half lied texting Steven as I walked in the door.

What? Don't do anything rash. Steven replied, watching his last bit of real control slip out from under him.

I already did it. I guess this was me letting you know that it happened. Idk, they said I had to. I deflected blame for any future argument.


So when are you free so I can get the savings you guys have been taking out of my checks?

I am the Skeleton in the ClosetOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora