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Awkward silence filled the room. Taehyun wore a mask since he still had a fever and he was also on his way to buy some medicine.

Taehyun: *coughs*

Junmin looked at him with a guilty expression. Yes she hated him but she was also kind of concerned.

Suddenly, the elevator shakes and they both stumbled.

Junmin: Ah!

Taehyun: Huh?

They looked at each other.

Junmin: Umm what happend?

Taehyun stood up and pushed the bottons but the elevator didn't react to anything.

Taehyun: I-I don't know. We aren't stuck here are we?

They both started to panic. Especially Junmin.

Junmin: *panics* I'll call someone and get us out of here.

Junmin: Oh no

Taehyun: *coughs* What?

Junmin: There's no signal. And my phone only has 3%

Taehyun: *eyes widened* What?!

Junmin: Why don't you try with your phone?

Taehyun: I didn't bring mine...

Junmin: What the- *face palms*  And what are we going to do now?

Taehyun: Let's wait for a while. Maybe someone will come get us. Our parents would notice that we're gone. *coughs*



7:15 pm

They just stood there silently. None of them saying a word. Junmin's phone has already died and they had nothing to do but to wait.

Taehyun: *coughs*

He kept coughing none stop and it did hurt his throat a lot. His head was spinning and his body was freezing since it was cold in that small room.

Junmin notice how he was struggling.

Junmin: Taehyun? *comes closer*

Taehyun: *collapse of the floor*

Junmin: Taehyun!

She brought Taehyun into her arms and placed her palm of his forehead.

Junmin: "His temperature is high!"

Taehyun had his eyes closed and he was shivering. Junmin layed his head on her lap. She removed her jacket and covered his body.

She takes out the medicine that she bought.

Junmin: Taehyun-ah drink this.

He automatically opened his mouth to drink it. They stayed like that for a while. Junmin ran her hands through his soft hair as he rested.

Taehyun: Thank you...

Junmin: Hm?

Taehyun: For taking care of me. Even tho I was being an asshole to you.

Junmin: Nah it's nothing....


Taehyun: I'm sorry. For calling you a brat. I'm sorry for forcing you to be my friend. I'm sorry for embarrassing you infront of the whole class. I'm sorry that you got in trouble because of me and I'm sorry for coming into your life in the first place. I would stop talking to you now if that's what you want. But believe me, I did want to be your friend because I find you interesting.


Taehyun: *sits up*  I really mean it this time.

He gives her a weak smile. Junmin did smile back.

Junmin: I hope you do. You don't want to feel one of my fist again do you?

Taehyun: *chuckles* No thanks...so....friends?

Junmin: Hmmmm....ok fine.

Taehyun: Friends hug?

Junmin: Don't push it.

Taehyun: Ok...

Taehyun lays his head on her shoulder which took her by surprise.

Junmin: Tae-

Taehyun: I'm sleepy. *closes his eyes*

Junmin didn't want to argue. She admired his sleeping face.

Junmin: "Cute..."

a/n: Oof this was a long one heheh

a/n: Oof this was a long one heheh

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