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Narin saw Taehyun sitting alone on a bench. She got excited and went to him.

Narin: *sits next to him* Hi Taehyun.

Taehyun says nothing.

Narin: You don't mind me being here do you?

She asked, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

Taehyun: No. I'm leaving.

Narin: Ah Taehyunie! *grabs his hand*

Narin: I actually want you to stay. That's why I came here.

Taehyun: Well I don't. Let me go now

Narin was upset. Tears started to form in her eyes. But Taehyun kept a blank expression.

Narin: I'm just trying to get close to you Taehyun! Why can't you talk to me that way you talk to Junmin? Why can't you look at me the way you look at her? She doesn't like you but I do! What has she got that I don't? I'm prettier can't you see?

Taehyun: You can't do anything about what I do and who I like.

Narin suddenly hugs Taehyun. He hated it. He wanted to push her away.

Narin: I can! I can be just like Junmin if that's what'll make you like me back!

Taehyun: Stop comparing yourself to Junmin. You're not her. *escapes from her grip*

Narin: You're so stupid! I did everything and you still don't pay attention to me! I did it you know that? I was the cause of Junmin's fall! Do you see the things I do for you Taehyun? I like you why can't you accept me?

Taehyun smirked and help up his phone which has been voice recording for 3 minutes. Narin's eyes widened.

Taehyun: Because you're cold hearted, Yoo Narin. People might think you're pretty but to me, your soul is the ugliest.

Taehyun: At least Junmin is beautiful on the inside and outside.

Taehyun: At least Junmin is beautiful on the inside and outside

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a/n: Taehyun be like: damn it feels good to be a gangster

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