Grumpy ass alec

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Seraphina pov

I was sat at the end of Izzy's fluffy , girly ass bed Impatiently as I watched her rummage wildly through that jungle she calls a wardrobe. Izzy is my absolute best friend , I would do anything for her that and she's my parapatai so we are forever linked . I don't know what I would do without her if she ever died so would a part of me .

" if your not careful you'll get lost in that wardrobe one day"  i chuckled dryly  to my parabatai.
"How many times do I have to tell you it's a closet not a wardrobe you and your fancy British accent !!!!"  My best friend screamed back to me with a light giggle in her voice .
"Hey not my fault I'm English and it's a WARDROBE!!!!!!" I laughed loudly and through a large, fluffy neon pink pillow at her which surprisingly she didn't dodge and got hit square in the face with .

Just as if Alec has an instinct to be a buzzkill he barged into the room rather abruptly If you ask me but I'm used to it by now . He stood in the doorway his tall stature almost filling the doorway and dark tousled hair in his eyes. He and Izzy has their long dark locks in common as well as their warm chocolate brown eyes. The eyes of my brother and sister . They may not be my blood but they are my family either way they have been since I was 9 .... when my parents were slaughtered in front of me ... but that's a story for another time .

"Woah what the hells got your knickers in a twist this time grumpy ass oh wait let me guess .... someone glued your hand to your bow again wait no that was me" I spoke as Alec took long steps over to us glaring at me as I finished my sentence.

"We have a mission in 4 hours so start getting ready and Sara sort jace out he's being ... well jace and ThE tIme YoU stUcK my HaNd tO My bOw waS NOT fuNnY!!!!!" Alec screeched the last part like a Fangirl seeing one direction.

"What about that time I tied you and jace to your bed for 17 hours now that was funny  and yes I will go speak with jace" I mumbled back to  Alec to which Izzy snorted and Alec glared playfully.

I got up jumping off of  Izzy pink overloaded bed landing gracefully in my black, shimmering leather 5 inch stilettos. I strutted confidently down the corridors of the institute towards the training room where I new jace would be . As I got there I was met to see a hole in the glass and a serph dagger in a monitor. I immediately started to laugh histerically like the flipping joker. Soon so did jace. We both stood and talked for a while about how prim and perfect Alec is before I went to get ready for the mission .

3 hours later....

I was in my black and gold swirled room getting ready it turns out that we were going to a downworlder club called Pandamonium . I was in a black leather, lace holster top with red leather pants . I also had a leather jacket and 5 inch black heeled boots that went up to the mid thigh .  My long white blonde hair was in graceful wringlets that cascades down my back like a waterfall of pure Adamas .

As I was placing my silver hooped earrings in jace erupted through the door of my room looking panicked . I was looking about frantically for a weapon to stab anyone who hurt him. Jace was my best friend other than Izzy and Alec , he cane to the lightwoods when he was ten..... I came just after him . His parents had to been slaughtered but it was only his father were as mine was both .

I shot up out of my chair ripping my earring from my ear in the process but I didn't care if someone hurt him they wouldn't have a leg to Stand on , quite literally.

"What's wrong is someone hurt , are you hurt , if your hurt I'll fucking cut there hand off and fucking feed it to the bastard !!!!!"  I spoke clearly and confidently.

"Hey, nobody's hurt I just wanted to check on you seen as ... you know ... this is the week your parents passes and I just wanted to know your ok" jace spoke softly back to me. Jace  can be the most arrogant bitch at times but he is a softy at heart and he only shows it to those he loves and he doesn't even show it to us very often.

He was right this is the week they died but I can't  let emotions cloud my judgment we have a mission to deal with . I was like jace in many ways this being one of them .... I never show my emotions , it takes desperate measures to get me to show them .

"Oh ... yeah yeah I'm fine I thought something happened to you Alec or Izzy" I replied to him looking into his golden honey toned eyes.
"You might need an iratzie for that" he said pointing towards my slit ear and bloody earring on the floor.
" oh yeah I should do that because I'm gonna walk around a nightclub with a slit open ear and one earring" I replied my voice dripping with sarcasm trying to reach my iratzie rune on my left shoulder blade .

He chuckled in replied and strode toward me stele gripped in his calloused hand .
His hand rested on my shoulder as the other traced along the rune which slowly resealed my ear allowing me to put my earring back in .

"Come on we have a demon to hunt" he smirked as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a duffel bag to which I laughed a genuine, wholehearted laugh that bounced of the walls of the institute ..... this will be fun .

A/n so this is the first chapter I hope like it and I will be updating once each week so enjoy 😊❤️✨

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