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Seraphina pov

I had woken up after mine and jaces.....encounter if you could even call it that. we were currently downstairs I the heart of the institute and clary was rabbling on about her mother and something about a warlock called dot who got her in this situation. honestly I was in a world of my own, thinking about everything jace had said up on the roof. Jace had seemed to notice this and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, Alec's gaze shifted towards the pair of us as sadness with a hint of jealousy swam in his eyes. this was when guilt overtook me in an avalanche of emotion. God how could I do this to him he's just as much as in love with jace as I am . more so! ugh life is so hard - THUD! Izzy had just hit me around the back of the head. "what the hell iz" I muttered shocked rubbing my head as I turned to look at her. "sorry love, you wasn't listening soooo... " Izzy said sweetly as she came up and wrapped her arms around my shoulders as jace retracted his from my shoulder. "since you have all the answers, were do you suggest we look first?" Alec asked annoyed slinging an eyeroll in there. "well we should go to her apartment on gre-" she began obviously not catching on to his annoyance when she was cut of by a sharp gasp escaping her lips. "what is it?" I asked honestly not giving a care in the world. "oddly I think I know where dot is" she replied with a look of confusion when she began sprinting towards the entrance of the institute. "god this is fun hunting down rando warlocks, definitely how I wanna spend my night!" I spoke obnoxiously loud with my voice dripping in sarcasm. my Parbati simply smirked which I mirrored and the other pair of Parbati simultaneously chuckled and we left in a sprint after the redhead to Simons van .

we arrived back at were all our trouble began.... PANDAMONIUM club, except this time it was clear of mundane's pissed out of their heads or downworlders of all sorts making out in every corner possible. Also this time overly ampt music didn't flood my ears making my brain feel like I was hit with the hilt of a seraph blade. clary had just stopped sprinting her ass of. "I swear to god I'm going to hit her if she pulls that act out on me again" I mumbled annoyed at the fact she made me full on run here with no warning what so ever. everyone but clary chuckled as her voice like nails on a chalk board became audible again. "No.. there going to hurt her or kill her... we have to stop THEM!" she screeched just like she had in this very club the first time I met her as she broke out into a sprint yet again. " YEP PREPER TO GET SLAPPED CARROT TOP!!!" I yelled through gritted teeth as we began to run after her.

we finally stopped running and we was now In the centre of pandemonium and I was raging out to say the least. "no...she was only trying to help now she's gone" carrot said in a strained voice as if she was going to cry. "clary..." Simon started only to be cut off by clary "no you don't understand she was like a big sister to me" she stated with tears threatening to spill. "now I'm never going to get my memories back!" she is so goddam annoying I thought to myself as I tried to keep my mouth shut . but I just couldn't. "you make out as if we have done absolutely nothing to help you but we have , we put everything on the line to help you, and you think I don't know how it feels to loose people you love because I do so think before you speak next time!!!" I spoke harshly and quickly each word dripping in poison. everyone looked at me in shock at my sudden outburst and clary looked at me and fear and backed away from me. Izzy pulled me aside by my forearm from clary to a fairly secluded area.

"listen to me love, you know I love you and always will but you need to tell me what's going on right now because if not I cant help you get through it. And don't try avoiding it because I can feel your anger and misery so please, help me out here phi" she spoke softly towards me and those words just destroyed my walls all in one blow. "ughh, its a lot of things such as my parents death anniversary this week, this rando lass waltzing in thinking she owns the place an-" then she cut me off by saying "you have feelings for jace and feel guilty because of Alec aren't you" she spoke in realization as she looked at me. I just sighed and put my head down out of frustration and confusion of what I'm feeling. She immediately wrapped her arms around me. "you cant keep bottling things up love you have to let people in . at least me" she said the last part with a smirk which I mirrored as I looked up at her. "god if I keep shitting on everyone like that I'll end up like Alec!" I chuckled to Izzy as we walked back to the group straight into an argument between Alec and jace.

"were not going to the silent brothers Jace, are you INSANE!" Alec partially yelled at jace who was stood looking at him like he had just flown in on a UFO. my jaw nearly dropped as I put 2 and 2 together and figured out that jace wants to go to the silent brothers to get clary's memories back. "oh my god ! Jace have you lost your shitting mind, what kind of a loon goes to the silent brothers out of nowhere and this is very dangerous and you know it!" I spoke reasonably to him and he just looked at clary the whole time which made jealousy burn within me. I growled lowly at the two of them to which Izzy came and covered my mouth to shut me up. Jace looked and raised an eyebrow at me in confusion and then said. "well its up to clary not me its her choice , not ours" he explained to which immediately replied with "does anyone else have any better ideas because if not I wanna go . ill take the risk on my own" she spoke semi confidently but as I looked behind her I saw Simon almost quivering in fear at the sound of it. "see I told you she was one of us" jace gloated with a smug smirk plastered on his face as he knocked shoulders with Alec as the two loons lead us towards our exile.

god I'm so gonna kill jace after this and his carrot looking girlfriend

A/N hey so this is the new chapter I hope yall like it, sorry if its late I have no sense of time soooo yeah enjoy xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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