Jaces mundie collection

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Seraphina pov

I woke up to see bright white blinding light flooding a pale blue room swirled with golden runes of healing... iratzez..... I'm in the institutes infirmary . I sit up rather quickly only to have my head feel like someone had dropped a ton of bricks on it and dizziness washes over me.

"By the angel that's a fucking headache and a half" I muttered quietly to myself as my vision adjusted and my sudden wave of dizziness washed away.

I looked to my left and saw the fiery, carrot haired girl from the club last night. My head began to explode with reasons why she could be here ... is she forsaken? Anger rose up in me as my mind went to Jace.

"You mother fucking blonde son of a bitch!" I shouted through gritted teeth to which Izzy bolted through the door and tackled me into a hug.
"Oh god thank the angel your ok our parabati tune started to burn! It was awful ... I... I thought I was gonna loose you!" She whispered quietly into my ear muffled by her tears.
" can't get rid of me that easy iz" I chuckled dryly as tears of my own leaked from my eyed leaving trails of black behind. She laughed along with me and but a few seconds later jace strutted in his movements strung in arrogance as he walked towards carrot.

"Hello to you to asshat!" I spoke through gritted teeth as he looked at how she was doing.
"So your awake... this is clary fray you think you can .... let's say not scare her half to death?" He replied sarcastically with his usual smirk spread on his face but I could tell there was something beneath that mask of self importance.... he was sorry and hurting for what happened.

2 hours later

I had now gotten a shower and was clad in leather pants , a black leather halter top and a leather red jacket with my thigh high burgundy heels on. Iz was leant over the mundie with curiosity and suddenly she shot up smashing her head against Izzys. I was to busy laughing to notice that Jace was asking us to leave and so I Waltzed out of the room to the training room where I knocked the punching bag of the hinges god knows how many times. Each punch made my hands bleed due to me not wrapping them and all my knuckles had deep gashes through them.

"Woah woah what did that punching bag ever do to you ?" Alec asked smugly as he walked towards me . But just as he noticed my hands he took them in his and drew and iratze on them , a look of panic glistening in his eyes.

"I know your confused and angry at Jace but DONT hurt yourself because of it... please .... for your big brother?" Alec muttered soothingly as he Brough me in for a hug and I muffled an ok into his shoulder. Then as I opened my eyes I saw Jace, carrot and some nerdy ass mundie walk past the training room to the control room. My blood boiled and I rushed passed Alec towards him .

"I swear Jace has started a mundie collection!" I muttered to myself as I walked up to Jace feeling my balled fists shaking at my sides. He must of seen me come in to view because he gave me a look that gave off an 'I'm sorry' and an 'can we talk later' vibe to which I instantly calmed down a lot and unballed my fists.

'Holy shit I'm really gonna regret falling for him'. I told myself as I walked slowly closer to his mundie collection.

A/n sorry the updates kinda late got caught up with school stuff but hope you like the new part and please help with a ship name for Jace and seraphina. X ❤️✨🎊(MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄)

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