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Apparently a truck driver recklessly passed them on the left and did not see them before hooking to the right and cutting them off, which almost led to a deadly crash.

"OH MY GOD! I am so sorry, boys! Are you guys OK?" The driver quickly came checked on Brett and Eddy, who were still in shock.

"I'm alright. Eddy?" Brett was the first one that recovered from the unexpected incident and answered the driver's question. Although Brett seemed cool-headed, Eddy could feel his hand trembling on his waist.

"I'm fine, too."Eddy reassured the driver multiple times that they would contact him immediately if they need anything. The driver finally left with a very worried and apologetic face after giving Eddy his name and phone number. 

"Let's find somewhere to sit down. I want to check and make sure that you are not injured at all." Brett dragged Eddy over to a quiet street ally.

"Ouch! I can walk by myself, bro!" Eddy tried to escape from Brett as he was still holding Eddy by his waist with his left arm. But Brett seemed to prefer walking like two crabs on the street as he grabbed Eddy more tightly without a word.

They finally sat down under a tree so they could be covered by tree shadow.

"Sorry." Brett loosened his left arm, still placing his left hand on Eddy's waist. His warm hand somehow reminded Eddy of Brett's hug on that day he cried in the park. 

"It's OK. We were both scared." Eddy patted Brett on his back. "I think I owe you once."

"What?" Brett seemed pale and weak. 

"Bro you just saved me from getting injured in a car crash," Eddy looked at Brett gratefully, "I could have got hit by that stupid truck if you did not pull me toward you."

"Yeah. I know." Brett nodded and then sighed deeply. "I was really scared, Eddy. I can't imagine what would happen if I failed to grab you in the moment."

"I know," Eddy noticed Brett's glasses had slightly slid down his nose so he carefully adjusted them for him. "I wasn't scared in the moment only because I had no idea when the truck approached me."

"I did not see it at all until the very last minute, and I freak out. My legs are still shaking right now." Brett said. He realized how afraid he was when he thought of losing his best friend. 

"I feel scared now just by imagining the bad consequences," said Eddy, "I might not be able to play the violin again if my fingers get broken. Well, a perfect excuse for not practicing." He tried to make a joke but knew it was a bad one when he saw Brett's paler face. 

Brett shook his head in disbelief, "Bro that's not funny at all. You could have died ! Who the fuck cares about the violin when you were so closed to death? You are crazy!" Brett felt like he was going to have a bad headache. 

"Oh. I did not think about that...I probably shouldn't have made that joke. Sorry." Eddy apologized. "Well, your bubble tea is on me. Told you I owe you once."

"You probably owe me more than just bubble tea." Brett said, "Unless you think that is how much your life may worth?"

"Well, I can still buy you bubble tea today. And you can keep thinking about what do you want me to do for you. Sounds good?" Eddy hoped that Brett does not request something too difficult or too embarrassing. 

"Anything?" Oh no...Eddy did not like that smile on Brett's face...He knew that evil Bretty smile ain't gonna bring him any easy tasks nor good news. 

"Yeah. Anything. But just one thing, OK?" Eddy sighed. 

"Cool." Brett seemed satisfied by Eddy's answer. "Sorry if I hurt you when I dragged you on the street." He gently caressed Eddy's waist, forgetting about how sensitive his friend was.

A noise suddenly escaped Eddy, an embarrassingly kind of noise. Eddy's head felt dizzy and he caught Brett's hand to stop the touch. "It's fine. You don't need to apologize." 

"OK." Brett responded shortly. They sat in silence for a while as they both sunk in their own thoughts. 

What the heck was that? Eddy was red. He wanted to dig a hole, hide himself immediately, and never come out again. At least not being seen by Brett. Not even a single glance. He did not want to admit it but he felt good when Brett touched him. But why would he feel this way? Eddy's head felt hot, so did his face. He did not know how to think about what just happened and how his body reacted to Brett's touch. Why was Brett so quiet? Eddy felt his head was spinning crazily with racing thoughts and he could not stop it at all.

What the heck was that? Brett was completely distracted from the shock as well as being caught off guard by Eddy's...Was that a moan or something? At first, Brett was worried as if he had accidentally touched some sort of bruise that Eddy got from the incident on the street. But it did not sound painful, it sounded more like...Eddy likes it. Brett had never heard Eddy make that kind of noise before. And he did not know how to react both mentally or verbally though his body had already tensed up.

Both of them almost jumped in the air when Eddy's phone rang. It was Eddy's mom asking him to come home for lunch. "Bring Brett! I've told his mom that he will be having lunch with us today la!" Brett heard his name while he was overhearing Eddy's conversation with Mrs. Chen.

"OK, mom! We are getting bubble tea right now and will be home very soon." Eddy hung up. "Mom said that you are having lunch with us today." 

"Your mom is very nice." As they stood up together, they realized that they are still holding each other's hand. The awkward feelings they had before being interrupted by the phone call gradually came back. They withdrew their hands almost at the same time.

"Alright. Let's go!" Eddy decided not to say anything about it. At least not for now. 

"Yup." Brett mentally seconded Eddy's decision.


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