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"So, how do you like it?"

"Like what?"

"Your first kiss?"


Eddy's face looked like he could explode at any moment and become a juicy smashed tomato.

Damn. He sounded like he was just asking me how was my bubble tea. How could Brett talk so normally after he just kissed his best friend?

"Not bad. Just...need more practice?" Eddy tried to joke around and play it cool.

"...Did you just ask for another kiss?"

"WHAT?" Eddy took his rosy cheeks to the next level. "T–That was not what I mean!"

"Yeah?" Brett leaned over, "But maybe that was what I mean."

Eddy did not move. He closed his eyes and felt Brett's eyelashes softly brush his eyelids.

"Were you always this flirty? How did I not notice that before?"

"Not always. I only flirt with you, beautiful." Brett gave a sly grin after his practice.

"Alright, alright. Mr. Flirty-Brett." Eddy's cheeks lit up. 

"Was that your first kiss for real?" 

"Shut up." Eddy cocooned himself in his blanket to fully cover his face, only showing his red ears.

Brett giggled and joined Eddy in his blanket.

"Well, at least my first kiss experience is better than yours." Eddy said and poked Brett's shoulder playfully. "Remember your very first date?"

Brett frowned for a second before he realized what Eddy was talking about. "Oh my gosh. That was all Jordon's fault."

"Nah. You must be a terrible kisser back in middle school. Didn't that girl get mad or cry after you kissed her?" Eddy snickered. 

"Mate, I did not kiss her. I swear." Brett sighed. "And it was 100% Jordon's fault. I was not even interested in that girl."

"Nah. You were definitely bad at kissing girls. Just admit it, bro."

"Why? Because I lack practice? Or because I am only good at kissing you?"


Brett laughed and hugged Eddy tightly.


How old was he when he went on that date? Fourteen? Fifteen? Maybe it was around the time that he was practicing Saint-Saëns or Mendelssohn along with preparing for the damn AMEB violin exam. 

Brett had never been on a date before. Of course he was curious about relationship, but he had no interest in making this a priority since school and practice just seemed more important.

It was absolutely Jordon's fault. Brett thought. 

Jordon was this boy who went to the same school as Brett. They were both interested in music and naturally became close friends. After Brett gave up on that viola girl, he tried to set Brett up with this other girl when they were playing Truth or Dare the other day.

Brett did not remember that girl's name or appearance. He only remembered that he asked her out in front of a group of his friends and she surprisingly blushed and said OK. So they went to watch Transformers on a Saturday night. 

How hard could a date be? Easy-peasy. Brett thought as he walked the girl home. 

Then things just escalated as the girl lingered a bit while pulling back from their goodbye hug, looking at Brett's face like she was expecting something more.  

But Brett did not make any move. He mumbled something like 'I need to go now' and withdrew from the hug. The girl seemed embarrassed and potentially tearful as she shut the door in his face. 

He had never talked to her again since then. And the story somehow became 'Brett was so bad at kissing girls that she got mad and burst into tears after they kissed,' according to Jordon.

Brett had never thought too much about that odd date or questioned his sexual orientation. But looking back on the incident, there might be something more than just being caught off guard or not meeting the right person. Because Brett had tried to date some girls after that but he just felt no chemistry in between them on every date. 

Sometimes he thought of Eddy when those girls held his hands, patted on his shoulder, or hinted for a kiss...He did not know why but he would feel bad and excuse himself from the circumstance and just leave. 

What stopped him from being intimate with girls? And what made him want to kiss his best friend several minutes ago? Of course Brett liked Eddy as a friend, but is there something more than that? Where did his nervousness and unusual impulse come from?

Brett turned to Eddy, finally noticing that his friend had already fell asleep during his silent contemplation.

Eddy was exhausted. There were a million questions racing in Eddy's tiring brain, and his poor sleep from last night just made it more difficult for him to concentrate. Also, he could barely resist the temptation of sleeping in Brett's warm arms. So he just gave in to drowsiness and happily shut his brain down. 

Brett smiled at Eddy's sleeping face. Very carefully, he approached Eddy and whispered by his ear, "I hope you still remember your promise that I can ask one thing from you for saving your life..."

"I want to go on a date with you, Eddy."


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