three - home

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[i think hell is something
you carry around with you,
not somewhere you go.

- Neil Gaiman]


Niall and I ended up inside an office. it was small, all things considered, but was the hospital staff's best attempt at giving Niall and I a moment of privacy, which he had asked for when he signed the paperwork.

The paperwork in question was stacked onto a clip board, being held by his left hand. He sat on top of the desk while I leaned against the opposite wall.

For a moment, we looked at each other. I couldn't begin to imagine what he was thinking, because I didn't even know what I was thinking.

Niall clicked the pen so he could write.

"You don't have to, you know," I said softly.

Niall blinked.

"I know I don't have to," he said back.

He went to sign it.

"Niall, I'm serious. I know you and the other boys have a lot going on. That's obvious. You don't- you have no obligation to do anything for me, just because we met and found all this out. We're still strangers."

Niall looked at me closely, like he was thinking abut what I had said.

And it wasn't that I didn't want to go with him. It really wasn't that at all. I just didn't want him to resent me once he was responsible for me, becuase after that there ws nothing I could do but endure it.

Niall cut off my mind running at 100 mph by signing the top paper. My jaw opened as I tried to speak, to protest, but faltered. Her flipped through the stack and I watched him, signing and initialing every spot that was marked for him.

"You sign here," Niall said.

I blinked, suprised. I'd never been asked to sign any foster care paperwork dealing with my custody before.

I took the clipboard from Niall and read.

I, _______, acknowledge the results of my DNA test, and therefor allow myself to be placed into the care of a willing relative.

I looked up at Niall, hesitated, and then wrote Mickey Aztec in the space that was provided.

"You're gonna thank me for this in a couple years," Niall said lightly, opening the office door for me as he spoke.

"right," I said unsurely.

I didn't know if I would live for the next two hours, let alone the next two years. It was always scary being with new people. After a while, I learn what to expect. Initially though, I learned it was best to just keep my head down. Be seen and not heard.

I followed Niall to the waiting room, where the other boys were collapsed into uncomfortable looking chairs. Harry noticed us first.

"Get everything sorted out?" he asked, looking between Niall and I.

"Sorted out nicely," Niall said.

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