twenty-two - one way or another

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[i long for the childhood
i could have had]


I walked off of the plane, and into the direct eyesight of Harry. He was wearing sunglasses and a hoodie with the hood up, but it was impossible not to notice him when you were looking for him. He just had something about him like that.

I ran to him and wrapped him into a hug. His arms wrapped around my back and he lifted me up, swinging me back and forth.

"Hey, kid," he said. He set me down and nodded to his chauffeured car. "How was your flight?"

"It was okay. I didn't die so it definitely could have been worse," I said. He shrugged and nodded in agreement.

"So, tell me this. Did you talk to your mum?" Harry asked. He told me to at his gate before he left for Holmes Chapel a few days ago. and I knew what he meant. Talk to her and understand why I got left the way I had.

"I tried to, but I can't. She just left me there. How am I supposed to talk to her about that? And even if I did, Harry, how am I supposed to forgive her for it?"

"No, darling. It's not that at all. You need to forgive yourself."

"I-" I tried, climbing into the car and sitting down. He slid into the back seat next to me and looked at me expectantly.

"It's obvious to everyone that you blame yourself, Mickey. Being there, did it give you some kind of closure?"

"Yeah, kind of..." I trailed off. If seeing exactly who I could have been when I had always wondered was closure. Did you know that Niall has a porch swing?"

"Yeah, I know that. What about it?"

"I don't know, I always thought those were only in America," I said with a shrug.

"Speaking of things that are only in America," Harry said slowly, "Did you guys really have pep rallies? Like the ones in the movies?"

"Yeah?" I answered, before my eyes went wide and I laughed. "You're trying to tell me that there aren't pep rallies in England?"

"No, I'm trying to tell you there aren't pep rallies anywhere else except for America! Actually, also, did you ever go to one of those parties with red solo cups?"


"This is home," Harry said. After the hour car ride from the air port to Harry's parents in Holmes Chapel, we were finally pulling up out front.

"It's cute," I said offhandedly. We climbed out of the car and Harry smiled at the two ladies on the small porch.

"Mickey, this is my sister Gemma and my mum, Anne," he said slowly and then gestured to me, "Guys, this is Mickey."

"Hey," I said softly.

"Come inside, come inside, it's chilly out here," Anna said, ushering me inside. It really wasn't that cold, but I let her pull me inside anyways. "Can I get you a drink? Water? Tea?"

"Water would be great, thank you," I said with a small smile. Anne disappeared into the kitchen and I looked around. The house was on the smaller side, and felt very homey. I pointed to a picture on the wall.

"This is you?" I giggled, pointing to a little boy with curly hair and ice cream dried on his face.

"Yes," Harry sighed. "Do you have any pictures from when you were younger?"

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