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"Seventeen!" Niall shouted, pulling me out of my sleep, "you're seventeen!"

"I'm going to be deaf if you keep yelling like that," I groaned, hiding under the blanket.

"Is she awake?" Zayn asked.

"Yes!" I shouted tiredly, "why do I need to be awake? You know a good birthday present? Sleep," I mumbled to Niall.

"Get up," Niall laughed. He pulled my blanket off and I sighed. Niall grabbed my arm and pulled me up out of bed. He threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey!" I laughed.

Niall laughed and carried me out into the kitchen like a sack of potatoes. He put me down on the couch and I turned around to face the other boys, eyebrows raised.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We made a cake," Harry said, "actually, I made the cake. I used to work in a-"

"A bakery, got it," I laughed, "you baked me a cake?"

"Not just a cake," Liam said, "a birthday cake. Because it's your birthday. Happy birthday!"

"Thank you, thank you, but you ready didn't have to make a cake," I said.

"Yes, we did," Zayn argued. I rolled my eyes and laughed. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to check it.

It was Louis.

Management, pushing our enemy narrative, sent him back to go visit Eleanor on my birthday. It was the biggest fuck you they could think of.

Lou-Boo LOML
i'm sorry i can't be with you
today, i feel awful about
it. happy seventeenth.

Lou-Boo LOML
have a good day, beautiful.
i love you.
read 9:03 am

I smiled softly and texted him back, before sliding my phone back into my pocket. When I looked up, the boys were looking at me like they were concerned.

"I'm fine," I said, "what kind of cake?"

"Chocolate," Harry said, "from a box, though."

"That's perfect," I said. Harry nodded his head towards the counter. I looked at the cake and smiled softly.

happy birthday mickey! was written in frosting across the top in Harry's handwriting. "You guys are the best," I sighed. Niall rested his head on my shoulder and looked down at the cake as well. He swiped his finger in the frosting.

"Candles!" Zayn exclaimed suddenly. I jumped at the volume and looked at him like he was crazy. "We almost forgot about the candles!"

"You guys seriously didn't need to-"

"Shut up," Liam laughed. He dug through a bag on the counter and pulled out a box of purple candles. We watched as Liam counted out 17 candles and stuck them into the cake. "Lighter?"

Zayn reached into his pocket and pulled one out. He offered it to Liam and he made quick work of lighting the candles.

"Make a wish," Niall said nonchalantly. I watched the candles flicker.

"What if I have nothing left to wish for?"

"Then wish that nothing changes," Niall said. I pushed my hair back and leaned closer to the cake.

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