She's Taking Over My Mind

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Mahir's POV

After Surbhi went away I went to di.

She was under sedatives so I went outside seeing jiju.

Raj jiju's family went to our home after meeting di as More than two people were not allowed in the ward for more than an hour. I thought of being tonight with di.

"Raj jiju. I'll be with di tonight. You should go home and rest" I said

"No No mahir. I'm fine. You go and rest. You've not rested for a bit from morning. You go I'll stay. okay" he suggested

"Okay jiju. Take care and if you need anything, I'm just a call away " I said and he nodded

I went to the cradle and saw my niece sleeping.

 I kissed her forehead and bid bye to jiju.

Soon I was home.

"You came Mahir. Everything good there " asked dad

"Yeah and Raj jiju is staying with di tonight" I replied

"Mahir. How is your hand now?" Asked mom

"It's alright mom" I replied

"Okay. Mahir go, freshen up and be back soon. Dinner is ready " mom said

"Yeah coming" I replied and went upstairs to my room.

The day was really hectic but still she made it beautiful.

I smiled to myself again thinking about her. What have you done to me Surbhi in just a day.

I'm not able to swipe your thoughts away. I freshened up and went downstairs for dinner.

After dinner I came back, Picked my air pods and moved towards terrace.

And for first time after years, today the songs seemed as if they were expressing something.

Every song somehow reminded me of today...and of course her.

What's happening with me. It have never happened.

Stop Mahir .

I sighed and dialed my PA.

"Trisha send me tomorrow's schedule and meetings. I've to make sone changes in them " I told

"Sir you are having three meetings from 10 am onwards. First is with Mr.Sinha about the Jodhpur's land deal. Second one with Dhavan industries for your collaboration and then with Mr.George. He'll be present there at 1pm and meeting will get over at 3pm" she said

"Great. Be ready with all the necessary files and details and I warn you if anything stupid or irresponsible thing happens YOU'LL BE FIRED." I declared

" sir. Nothing like this will happen." She stammered

"Better for you. And yeah after that don't arrange anything. I've to go hospital." I told 

"Noted sir" she said and  I cut the call.

I went to my room and tried to sleep but it was no where to be come. Every moment from today was circulating in my mind.

Damn, Sleep Mahir and stop thinking about today's events.

'Not events Mahir about her'

Shutup you sub conscious and good night.

I smiled to myself. Since years I've not gone to sleep smiling. But today I did.

I woke up with alarm ringing in my ears.

Getting ready which I today wanted more good I don't know why, but I wanted so I did that and went down stairs.

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