'Venice Part-1'

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Surbhi's POV

Disneyland will always be memorable not just because it was our honeymoon but also because of the efforts he made for me..for Us. I'm really really happy.. just one thing is bothering me.

Yeah I've not said Mahir anything these days. Even I've always changed the topic whenever her name skipped from his mouth because I know it gives pain to him. I've seen sudden change in his body. His muscles stiffen. His nerves are visible..and the pain is still there. Yes that's less but still there. I don't know if I'll ever be able to heal this pain or not..but I really want that pain to get whispered somewhere.

"In which thoughts " asked Mahir bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Nah.. nothing.. was just thinking that Anaheim is really beautiful " I said

"Yes. It is.. we'll someday come back to visit LA" He replied and I smiled.

I really need to talk about this.. before it gets too heavy. I know he wants to say something but he's not saying because he thinks my mood will be spoilt.

We reached airport and boarded our flight.

"Its again a long flight Surbhi so take rest and then enjoy your Venice" He said smiling as we moved to our private cabin.

"Won't you enjoy with me Mahir" I asked

"Who said I won't. I will of course " he replied smiling

"I'm tired.. I want to sleep " I said

"Okay. You sleep. " he told

"I want to sleep hugging you"  I expressed, opening my arms wide and he smiled.

I hugged him tightly and slept comfortably.

What would I do without you Mahir... I was the one to tell you not to make me your addiction but here I myself have made you my addiction.

I don't know when sleep overpowered me. I woke up and saw Mahir still sleeping. I checked the time. It was 8:00 pm.

I gently removed his hands from my waist and called air hostess and ordered dinner.

I came back and saw Mahir woke up.

"Hungry? " I asked and he nodded like a kid.

I love when he behaves like this!!

"Dinner is on the way" I said and he smiled.

"I'll be back in minutes" he replied and went inside washroom.

Dinner came and we sat for dinner.

"Oh wow...Garlic bread and Spaghetti pasta. I used to eat this a lot in.... in college. You know it was my favorite" he said sighing

"Isn't it now" I asked looking into his eyes and he looked away.

"Yes it is but less... you like it" he asked

"Yeah.. a bit. Now come and without thinking anything else let's do our dinner" I said and he looked at me.
He nodded and we did our dinner.

After that we laid down and Mahir started a movie.

"Why did you say me not to think anything " He asked still his eyes on screen

"Because I know you were" I said and he looked at me.

"I didn't understand " he asked and I looked at him

"You understand Mahir.. you just try avoiding it." I replied

"I'm not avoiding anything" he lied

"You're.. you're avoiding all the past events that happened in your life.. you're avoiding all good memories with bad ones... you're.. you're avoiding Riddhima "I said and he looked at me.

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