'Rescuing Surbhi Part-1'

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Mahir's POV

Jennifer was looking at me shocked.

"Yes Me" I said in anger.

"Dad..you...you cheated me" she shouted

"And what you did. You cheated each of us .This is not my upbringing Jennifer" Said George.

" I didn't. I love this man. And he's not ready to understand. I told him in his office also but see here he got engaged to that bitc...." She was saying before which she received a tight slap.!!

 No! Not from me. From George.

 Even I had my hand raised but before I could slap her George slapped her tight.

"Ashamed of you. This was not my upbringing" said George.

"Dad. You don't know anything and you'll never. And I don't care about this. I want this man to be mine" she shouted

"In your dreams..Wait. Well I'll make sure not even in your dreams Jennifer" I warned

"Huh..what you'll do. You can't do anything. Your fianceé is with me. And I can do anything with her. Anything. It's better you do what I say" she smirked

"Just shut up and tell me where's my Surbhi" I fumed

"I'll not. Not at all. And go..do whatever you want to. Go find your Surbhi. England is so big ..search her. " she said

"Jennifer don't do anything like this please "  George pleaded

"Dad please. Get out of this okay. " she yelled

I know She'll not listen and I don't want this man to see her daughter like this.

"George. You go. I very well know how to handle her" I gritted

"Exactly you should go because you're of no use" she said.

How low she can stoop. He's her dad even then she's behaving like this.

" You'll not tell me but you've to tell police " I said taking out my phone.

" Very good. Go on. I hell care going to jail Darling. But here You call police and there your Surbhi ....Pheewwshh. She'll be dead " she snickered

"You'll not do anything like this. I'll kill you damn it." I shouted

" Try me Mahir. I can do anything. " she said nearing me.

"Get away you bitch" I warned pushing her away.

"You're pushing me away. You want to go to That Girl. I'll not let this happen. Be mine or she's out of this world" she warned

"Shutup. Tell me where's Surbhi. " I shouted on my peak

"You'll not listen to me right Darling. You've to. You know why because if you don't do whatever I say , you'll never know where's that girl and May be something very bad would happen to her" she Smirked

"You bloody damn it" I raged raising my hand but she stopped me.

"Mahir Maheshwari. Don't. Don't even try this. This is not your India, it's my world! My England! You want to know where your Surbhi is ..Let me tell you" she said taking out her phone

"See. There's your Surbhi" she laughed.

It was a video....video of Surbhi...she was tied to a chair ruthlessly. Her body was totally pale and she was not even in her senses.

"Surbhi...." I whispered.

 A tear escaped from my eyes. I couldn't even see her like this.

"Yes..Surbhi... And wait see this. She has a so good company" she smirked

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