Chapter 4||

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When you go to a foreign country, it's always exciting besides the fact that everything is so...foreign. Signs, markets, even the direction the water spinning in the toilet when flushed is different. Well, when I walked into my room, I almost wanted to faint. I mean really, white walls? How bland could I get? The walls were bare, matching the clean white carpets. There was a wooden desk with nothing on top of it and a matching wooden nightstand sitting next to my twin bed pushed up in the corner. However, sitting on the nights as there was a stereo. I can work with that.

"This is your room." Hailey laughed.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked puzzled. "Why have you let me live like this for so long?"

She laughed. "You have no idea how stubborn you were. I tried to tell you, help you out even, but you wouldn't budge. You wouldn't even try out for cheerleading because you were scared."

I quirked my eyebrow. "Cheerleading? That sounds fun. When are try-outs?" I sat my stuff down-and by stuff I mean phone- and sat on my bed. I huffed, "My God this room is ugly."

"Tryouts are next week on Monday. And you should definitely tryout because you would be better than me, and that's saying a lot." Hailey laughed as she took a seat on the floor.

"Better? Am I some super awesome chick who can do flips and crap?" I chuckled.

"No, you're this incredibly gifted dance who was made to make girls jealous." Hailey laughed. It may seem like I've just met Hailey, but I felt like I've known her forever. There was this sort of comforting feeling around her, as if she's my Saving Grace.

"Oh," I snorted. "Then you can expect me at those tryouts."

She nodded. "I literally can't wait till people see you at school tomorrow. Boy are they going to be thrown off."

"Why?" I said, getting up and opening my closet. I screamed. "What is this?!"

"Your clothes." Hailey said like it was no big deal.

"These cant possibly be my clothes. It looks like it belongs in some hippie van. You can't be serious."

Hailey nodded her head. "Like I said, you were stubborn. Your mom only lets you wear those."

The closet was filled with tie-dye shirts and bright colored baggy pants. It looked like a rainbow threw up in my closet.

"Grab your purse. We're going shopping." I commanded. "I need a new closet and some things to spice up this ugly room."

* * *

Besides the fact I used my moms credit card-after I begged her- I'm taking credit for all the things I bought. Hailey and I spent all day at the mall, and we practically bought me a new wardrobe. I had to sit down every now and then because I was feeling light headed or I felt a migraine coming, but they never did come.

Not only did I buy a completely new wardrobe, I bought things for my room. I bought some cute knick-knacks to stick in random places and a new comforter. I also bought a lot of posters-Hailey told me which ones I should get- to make the walls seen less boring. All in all, it was a long, frustrating day. Hailey had to point out a lot of things to me that I couldn't remember, and apparently we saw some people at the mall that I knew-and boy were they surprised.

"I should just burn these." I muttered as Hailey and I took out my old clothes.

"I'm pretty sure your mother would hang you." Hailey snorted as she pulled more off the hangers. "And besides, your moms already having a hard time adjusting to...the new you, so you should cut her some slack."

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