Chapter 6||

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Had I known Jonah was rich I would've been prepared for what came next.

It's not everyday you walk into a mansion where everything looks like it's more expensive then your house alone.

"Up here is my room." Jonah says as he leads me up the never ending stairs.

"So uh, what do your parents do again?" I asked, not sure if the old me knew or not.

"They're inventors. They've invented a bunch of stuff that companies wanted to buy. " he says and makes a right turn down another hallway. What is this, a maze?

"Oh...makes sense." I nodded.

He opened a door and walked in. "This is my room."

I'm not sure room quite qualifies as this. It's more like a giant living room with couches and a giant ceiling and even a hot tub!

"Wow..." I breathed. "This...this is something."

He smiled and sat his stuff down on his California King Sized bed. "I designed it myself. My mom said that since my room is where I spend most of my time, I could decorate it how I want."

"I actually redid my room yesterday. Apparently the old me had poor fashion sense. And decorating sense." I laughed. His expression was confused, and that's when I realized my mistake.

"The old you? What does that mean?" He said, stepping towards me quickly.

"Oh, you know. The old me. Like...yesterday. The old me. It's my new...catch phrase." I muttered.

"You know, you've been acting really weird lately." He said suspiciously.

"Well...this is the real me." I said and shrugged, desperately trying to change the subject. "We should start the project."

He wasn't fazed. "Kate, why is there a scratch on your forehead?"

"Good question," I muttered. "Well... Uhm, my dog scratched me."

"You don't have a dog."

"Well I got one yesterday, now can you back off?" I snapped.

"Sorry," he said, though there was no sincerity in it. "But can I ask one more question?"

I nodded my response and rolled my eyes.

"What's my last name?"

Well shoot.

"Your last name?" I said puzzled. "Why do I need to tell you?"

"Just answer the question please." He said. He put his hands on his hips impatiently. "Kate, it's a simple question. "

I looked around his room desperately to try to find it. The odds of it being written on something is greater than me remembering. But to my dismay, I can't see it. Well darn.

"I don't know it Jonah." I sighed.

He nodded. "Is there something wrong with your memory? Is that why you seem so...different?"

I grunted in frustration. "Jonah, I-you-" I sighed and sat down on the couch. "No one was supposed to find out."

"What do you mean?" He said and sat down opposite of me. That look he had in his eyes showed so much curiosity in me; so much interest. It was intriguing and dispatching at the same time.

"This scratch? It's not from my dog. I don't even have a dog." I muttered. "I can't believe I'm telling you this. But anyway, it's from a steering wheel. Well, a air bag probably."

"A steering wheel?" You could see the wheels turning in his head. "You mean, you got in a car crash?"

"Mhmm." I said.

"Holy crap, are you okay?" He said getting up and squatting in front of me. "Are you-"

"Jonah I'm fine. I a really bad head injury and I lost my memory...." By then I was whispering. It's one thing to know it, but it's another things to actually admit it out loud. I felt like all my energy had been drained, and all these ideas about people not knowing was pointless. How long did I think I could pull it off? It hasn't even been twenty-four hours and someone already knows. Who's to say others won't find out?

"Kate," he said. "How did are you...what?"

"Do you know Brett?" I asked. I'm sure I'm going to regret this later, but I just have this undying need to get this off my chest. Besides, I could pick up a vibe that he's not at all like Brett. I can trust him.

He nodded his head.

"Okay, well apparently this might not be a shock to you, but I was bullied. A lot." I laughed nervously. "I don't understand why I let people do it in the first place. Why didn't I stand up or myself? Why didn't I tell someone?"


"I'm not done. And you know what? Now that think about it, why didn't anyone stand up for me? How could people just pass by and let me get bullied? What kind of sick person does that? From what Ive observed, I was probably bullied so much that I might have had thoughts of suicide. How dare people just ignore that!" The weight pushing down on shoulders was slowly releasing, but I was still fuming. And my point was valid. People who never bullied me were just as much a part of this as the people who did bully me. How is it that they can just watch? Watch as an innocent girls gets picked on? Watch as I was called vile names and pushed around for no reason?

Jonah was silent. And if he knew what was good for him, he'd stay silent for a while. I was on a rampage and I'm willing to tell or argue about anything at the moment.

"I'm sorry." He muttered to himself, then out loud he said, "Kate I'm sorry I haven't been there for you."

Now he's making me feel guilty. "What?"

"I should have stood up for you. But you know what? I never did because I was a coward, and I'm sorry." He sad sadly. "I'm so sorry Kate."

"Yeah well, we live in a beautiful world with mean people." I sighed sadly. "I just don't understand why nobody did anything. Why didn't my best friend help me?"

"You know Kate, with the memory loss and the knowledge of what's happening, you're different."

"A good different or a bad different?" I said hesitantly.

"Definitely a good different."

Blushing, I quickly changed the topic. "I just don't know what to do. I obviously can't keep up this facade. I think it's pretty clear I've changed, but I can't exactly tell everyone I've lost my memory."

He nodded in understanding, and out his chin in his hand thinking.

I don't have a problem telling everyone, I'm just scared of the consequences. I'm going to be played. Everyone is going to try and er on my good side, and they don't deserve that. They need to know what they've done.

He snapped his fingers, and he resembled a really excited dog that was told it was going on a walk. "I know what we can do. And I happen to have an idea for our project!"


Merry Christmas!!

Well I'm so so happy finals are over-_-

I'm not even in the Christmas spirit, anyone else? Ugh.

I gotta go but other whys I would have a lot more to say lol

Love you guys!!!

Stay strong and smile for me:)

Peace out.

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