Chapter I

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"Soda! C'mon we gotta go or we're gonna be late!" Rory shouted as she looped her belt through her jean shorts.

"But Rory, Mickey's on," She rolled my eyes walking to the living room, groaning when she saw her twin sitting on the couch in nothing but a towel.

"Seriously, you're not even dressed yet? C'mon. I'm serious Darry's gonna be here any minute to take us to work." She crossed her arms stepping  in front of the TV to block it.

"Okay, fine. I didn't know where my shirt or shoes are." He said pathetically. She threw my hands up when an exasperated sigh, she always had to do everything for him.

"Here is your shirt," She pulled out the shirt that matched her from the laundry basket and threw it at him along with a pair of boxers.

"Hey, Darry's outside waiting for you two." Pony said letting the front door slam shut.

"See I told you! Thanks, Pone. Love you, see you this evening." Rory kissed his head as he walked past her, she noticed  it was getting harder to do since he was taller than her now.

"Hey, start your homework!" Soda shouted, pulling on his shoes, Ponyboy mumbled something making Rory laugh as she walked out the door, seeing him trip out the corner of her eye.

"Hey, bubs." She smiled, kissing her oldest brother's cheek after climbing into the truck.

"Hey, how was school?" He asked,
giving her a one arm hug.

"Soda should be out any minute. And it was good, they didn't give me any trouble about leaving early today. Ms. Finley was working in the office today, she's the only one that never gives me issues." Rory replied, watching Soda bound out of the house happily with a goofy smile on his face.

The whole ride to the DX Soda rambled on about Sandy and their plans for the weekend. Rory knew Sandy pretty well, she wouldn't say they were friends but they were friendly with each other, Rory didn't think she liked her very much but she honestly didn't really care. They were nice enough to each other, more so for Soda's sake than anything. After pulling up, Soda jumped out instantly greeted by Steve, the two running inside the body shop together laughing loudly about something. 

"Love you, Dare. Dal is supposed to be come by after work to walk me home so you don't have to worry about picking me up. I'll call the house if anything changes." Darry nodded when she slid over to the open door to get out.

"Okay, just be safe. I love you."

"I love you, too, Dare." She smiled at him, grabbing her booksac and pushing the door shut, both of us waving goodbye as he pulled off.

"Hey, Steve-o!" Rory greeted as she walked down the small slope into the garage where the two boys were leaned over a car already

"Hey, your in the front today right?" He asked, glancing up at her from what he was doing.

"Yes, unfortunately." She pouted, she loved working on the cars with them and she was getting good. He laughed shaking his head before standing up straight.

"Couple socs were in here earlier givin' Mr. Flynn a hard time. He locked up when he left earlier." Rory actually frowned this time.

Mr. Flynn was the owner of the store and he was getting pretty old, about in his late 60s. It always pissed them off when socs or other greasers would come in and give him a hard time or steal from him. None of them fucked with Soda or Steve and most were smart enough to leave Rory alone. She could handle her own in a fight but everyone either knew her as Dallas Winston's girl or the Curtis sister. Both meant people knew not to fuck with her and they were just plain stupid if they did, she like to referr to the gang as her personal army.

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