Chapter II

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"Hey, I just gotta lock up then we can go." Rory smiled at Dally over her shoulder.

Steve and Soda left about an hour ago, Rory having to force them to not take off after those socs when they came in and seen the bruises on her jaw. They'd been outside fighting the other two socs and didn't know anyone was in the store with her. She could see in Soda's face he felt guilty for not knowing but of course she didn't blame him. It wasn't his fault. Dally stayed with her the rest of the day, helping her study between customers coming in and out. She wasn't scared but it always felt safer with him around.

Dally walked outside to smoke while Rory finished closing up the store. There wasn't much to do since it wasn't a very busy day but she had to make sure everything was locked up. Rory grabbed the bag of pop and candy that got left by the socs, put it in her book-bag and headed out. After locking up and flipping the closed sign she left out back to put the keys where they were kept over night for Mr. Flynn. They didn't normally close for another hour but when it was slow we were allowed to close early, but it was only about ten o'clock so it wasn't too late to close.

"Hey, doll, you wanna go to the drive-in?" Dally asked when he notice her walking around the building.

"Yeah, long as you promise not to start anything with anyone." She teased when he slid his arm around her waist and spun her into his chest.

"I don't start things I finish them," He smirked at her leaning in closer so their faces were level.

"Is that so?" She asked resting her hand on his chest looking up at him with big blue eyes. He licked his bottom lip into his mouth, biting it gently before glancing down at her lips unconsciously making her lick her own.

"Mm-hmm. Now why don't we get going," He whispered glanced back up his eyes meeting her and she nodded. He grabbed the bag from her with one hand, slinging it over his shoulder before grabbing her own with his other.

In this town everyone knew Dally but not necessarily that she was his girlfriend. Most still associated him with his ex Sylvia, which Dally hates. They were an on and off thing for a while before Dally and Rory got together two years ago. Most people knew her as the Curtis sister or Sodapop's twin. But when they found found Rory was his girl it usually wasn't for a good reason.

Rory stayed out of trouble for the most part, the only time shd really got into fight is if someone was messing with Pony. She fought by the gangs side a number times but more often than not they asked her to just stay out of it, because honestly if anyone put their hands on me it would be a bigger issue than whatever the fight was already about. So, she stayed on the side and only helped if she really needed to.

One time at Bucks she beat the hell out of a big greaser for slapping her ass and got a round of applause from everyone there. Dally was so proud of her that night. He said she was 'starting to fight like him' which she just brushed off with a laugh until her brothers and the gang told her the same thing. Probably because she'd seen him in so many fight and they play fought all the time.

"Are we gonna get popcorn?" Rory asked giving him a big smile when they got to the side fence they always snuck through.

"Dont you already have pop and candy?" He asked jiggling the bag with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yes, but Dal, you cant watch a movie without popcorn, please!" Rory begged bouncing in place with her hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah, okay. You're lucky you're so damn cute. Now get on in there before we get caught." He said pulling the broken part of the fence open for her. She laughed kissing his cheek before climbing through the fence, following her after handing her the bag.

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