Chapter XII

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"I just don't understand why you wanna hang out with some socs," Rory rolled her eyes as Dally lit his cigarette, the both of them sitting on her front porch after he walked her home from work.

"I mean, Sherri, she ain't like the other socs. I'm not too excited to hang out with her other girl friends but she's cool. I dunno I just need some girl time," She shrugged. Dally wasn't thrilled about her going on that side of town, he couldn't even believe Darry had said yes to letting her go. 

"Girl time? Since when?" He scoffed, "Me and the boys ain't good enough no more?"

"Dal, it ain't like that and ya know it." She pouted not wanting him to think anything like that.

"Shit, doll, I didn't mean to make ya feel bad. I know you love all of us, I was just kidding," He said reaching out to rub the side of her neck, he was joking but he was also kind of serious. It wasn't safe for her to go on that side of town alone.

"I know, Dal. Just Soda and Steve we're already making fun of me earlier," She told him quietly.

"What? Want me to beat them up?" He asked seriously, smiling when she chuckled quietly shaking her head.

"No, Dal. I don't want you to beat up my brother and his stupid friend," She laughed against turning back to face him, he reaching up to grab her face with both hands looking into her eyes.

"Just don't go changing on me, Rory," She furrowed her brow at his change of tone, and he never actually called her by her name, it was always 'doll' or 'baby'.

"What are ya talkin' about, Dal?" She asked resting her hands on his sides. He shrugged staying quiet for a minute.

"Just don't want you going all socy on me," He said pouting slightly his face set in a serious look.

"First of all, Dallas, I wouldn't turn socy to save my life. Second, you really think I would?" She asked looking back up at him.

"People change, you might like the way they're living-"

"Dallas Winston, a soc just chased me down the street and  beat the fuck out of me. Socs are constantly bullying and starting shit with us pretty much because we're less fortunate than them. The only reason I'm hanging out with Sherry is because she's really not like other socs. I don't wanna be a soc, I don't wanna have a bunch of soc friends. I'm a greaser at heart and all of the most important people in my life are too. I wouldn't change that," She was offended and he could tell by the tone in his voice that he hit a nerve.

"I'm sorry, doll-"

"Don't apologize, Dal. It just kinda hurt my feelings that you actually think I would turn all socy." She said pulling away from him.

"Okay, well let's drop it," She looked over at the annoyance in his voice not understanding why he was upset all of the sudden.

"Now your mad at me? For what?" She asked the same annoyance reflecting in her own voice. He hopped off of the porch lighting a cigarette.

"Not mad. You wanna go hang out with your soc buddy, have a great fuckin' time. I got a rodeo this weekend anyway." She stared at him for a moment, her jaw dropped open in shock Dally never cursed at her.

"What?" He snapped when he noticed her staring feeling like an Ads when looked away quickly standing up and moving away. She stood there looking down at her feet quietly hoping he would say something but he wouldn't. She sighed sadly looking up at him.

"I love you, Dal. I'll see you Monday." She said quietly before turning away and walking inside not waiting for him to respond.

Dally groaned quietly as the door shut. Why did he do that? He trusted her, she knew what she was doing, he didn't need to question her like that and it was a complete dick move to throw the rodeo in her face knowing she hated not being there with him. He slung the cigarette out of his mouth angrily turning around and slamming his fist against the tree before stalking off angrily down the street.

Rory went to her room flopping down on the bed, letting out a loud frustrated sigh. Not only was Dally mad at her for whatever reason but he was also going to be in a rodeo and sje wouldn't be there. She was always there for his rodeos in case he got hurt. It was dangerous and she always begged him not to do them but he made good money doing it. She knew he only brought it up because he was mad at her and knew she hated not being there, it was a low blow but it had the effect he wanted.

She sighed again getting up and pulling out one of her old backpacks. She'd be leaving from school with Cherry tomorrow so she told Rory to just bring her bag to school and she could leave it in her car for the day. Sne packed enough clothes for the weekend and grabbed her wallet slipping in the Polaroid of her and Dally that usually stayed taped to her mirror. It was one of her favorite pictures, they were leaned against Darry's truck, Dal was standing behind her with a cigarette hanging from his smiling lips and his arms wrapped around her. She stood in front of him laughing at the camera, her arms reaching up to hold on to his arms that were wrapped around her shoulders. She smiled at the picture.

It wasn't often that Dally and her got into it. It was rare in fact and it always broke her heart a little. Dally would always come around and apologize eventually. Truthfully she thinks he was jealous she was hanging out with someone that wasn't the gang. He'd understand eventually. Or maybe she was the one that was wrong. She wouldn't change but she still had that nagging feeling that something bad was gonna happen.  She hoped she wasn't wrong though. She knew She probably wouldn't really get along with Cherry's friends but sje still wanted to have a good time hanging out with her.

"Come in," Rory called out, a knock on the door pulling her from her thoughts.

"Hey, baby," Darry said walking in and pushing the door shut behind him.

"Hey, bubba," She gave him a small smile, scooting over when he sat on the bed.

"Wanna tell me why Dally's walked off all pissed off earlier and punched a tree?" He asked, watching her frown as she looked over at him.

"He's mad that I wanna go to Sherri's. Thinks I'm gonna change or that I'm not happy here or something just cause she's a soc. He got an attitude, I got an attitude back. He got all pissy telling me he didn't care and that he had a rodeo this weekend anyway. Instead of fighting back I just told him I loved him and came inside. I guess he just decided to leave," Sne shrugged looking down sadly.

"I thought he didn't do rodeos if you weren't gonna be there?" Darry asked, resting a hand on her back.

"Normally he doesn't but I guess he's really mad at me and just doesn't care, he even called me by my name," She pouted looking over at her big brother and he couldn't help but grin.

"Nah, he's just being dramatic. Go to your friends, have fun. You're young you don't have to be stuck up his ass all the time. I'm not so happy about you going to that side of town but I understand needing friends," She smiled, leaning over and wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"Thanks, Dare,"

"You're welcome, bugs,"

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