Chapter XI

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"Dal you ain't got nothin' better to do today than bum around here all day?" Steve asked popping a piece of beef jerky into his mouth.

"That's my girl right there and she's here, so no I have nothing better to do except bum around here," Dally retorted spitting a spitball at Steve, laughing when it hit his forehead.

"Knock it off boys," Rory rolled her eyes as she wiped down the counter, jumping when Soda came in the bell on the door ringing loudly and slamming behind him.

"Soda what's wrong?" Rory asked hopping over the counter, it was rare to see Soda angry or upset and he look ready to cry and kill someone at the same time.

"Fuckin', she's out there-" He cut himself off turning towards his sister angrily watching her eyes light up in realization.

"Who?" Steve asked but Rody knew who he was talking about. She turned away from Soda angrily heading for the door seeing the blonde bitch standing outside next to some other guys car.

"Fucking bitch," Rory growled under her breath, Dally and Steve sharing a confused look.

"No, no, no! Rory, leave it alone please," Soda begged scrambling after her grabbing her wrist. She yanked her hand out of his and kept walking.

"Hey, doll, you don't wanna do this," Dally said stepping between her and the door surprised when she scoffed looking up at him angrily.

"Get the hell out of my way, Dallas," She was pissed and he knew it, she never called him Dallas. He nodded stepping to the side gesturing to the door which I pushed open angrily. He wasn't gonna be the one to try and stop her, at least not hey. The angry sound of the belly ringing caught the attention of both Sandy and the guy by the car. She took a few steps forward away from the car and the boy hoping she couldtalkto her ex's angry sister. Big mistake.


She didn't get a chance to finish whatever she was gonna say. Rory slugged her in the face as hard as she could. Probably too hard but she honestly didn't care. Sandy stumbled back looking at Rory with big wide eyes holding the side of her face.

"That's what you get, you little two timing slut." Rory barked out, the guy next to them standing there just as shocked.

Dally stood back watching his girl proudly but keeping his expressions controlled as he crossed his arms waiting to see how everything played out. Steve stood next to him with Soda standing slightly behind them, feeling line he should intervene and stop his sister but not really wanting to.

"Two timing?" He asked confused, Rpry's eyes snapping between hers and his.

"Oh, he doesn't know?" Rory questioned, her eyes widening again.

"Rory, just stop-"

"No, you shut the hell up. You don't get to say shitto me. Your little girlfriend or whatever she is to you cheated on my brother after dating him for a year," Rory sneered, she could tell the guy had no clue and his next words only pissed her off more.

"A year? We've been dating for 6 months," His voice was soft and full of hurt.

"Six months?"  Soda's quiet voice from behind her making her livid.

"Adam, I-"

"You what, Sandy? What could you possibly say right now to make yourself seem any better?" Rory spat angrily.

"Just shut up, Rory, you don't know anything-"

Rory cut her off punching her as hard as She could again this time causing her to stumble and fall to the ground. She looked like she might cry but once again Rory just didn't care. It took a lot to make her brother cry and then to find out she'd been cheating on him for six months absolutely enraged her.

"I never loved him! Why does it matter? It's done now!" She cried and that was the wrong thing to say when she heard Soda's quiet sniffle behind her. Even Dally and Steve could've told you that was definitely not the right thing to say at this moment.

Rory lunged forward grabbing the blonde by her shirt punching her again, and again. Sandy swung on her  a couple times but Rory dodged them easily. They stumbled and Rory fell on her knees on top of Samdy pulling her fist back again ready to lay into her some more when sne felt a large rough hand wrap around her balled fist. Dally deciding to step in before someone ended up calling the cops.

"Rory, stop, she ain't worth it, baby." Dally's stern voice reached her ears as he continued holding my fist. She stayed there for a minute before ripping her fist out of his hand, satisfied at the way Sandy flinched away.

"Ya know what, your right Dal. The slut ain't worth it. Just know if I see you come anywhere near my brother again I'll beat the fuck out of you, ya dig?" She asked leaning close to her face, Sandy nodded her head quickly, eyes wide and scared. Rory pushed the girl and she stood up watching her scramble away to the car, turning away when Dally's arm wrapped around her shoulders leading her towards the store.

"Fucking bitch," She mumbled under her breath angrily. Rory caught Steve's eye and realized Soda wasn't outside anymore. She pulled away from Dally rushing inside, seeing a very sad Soda standing there with red eyes. She walked over pulling him into a tight hug immediately.

"I'm sorry, I know you said to leave it alone but she deserved it. You would've done the same thing," Rory said as his arms wrapped around her just as tightly.

"It's okay, bugs, I knew you weren't gonna leave it alone. I love you,"

"I love you, too, bubs,"

"I hate to break up the moment, but are we just gonna ignore how Rory fucking laid that bitch out?" Steve asked with a laugh, all hyped up. Rory was surprised when Soda actually laughed too.

"What do ya expect, she fights like Dally," Soda joked playfully punching my shoulder and She laughed when Dally's arms wrapped around her from behind pulling her away from Soda and against his chest.

"I told you that's my girl, course she knocked that girl on her ass," Dally laughed, his words filled with pride.

"Y'all are ridiculous," She rolled jer eyes pulling away from Dally to walk back behind the counter.

"Take a compliment, doll," Dally smirked leaning against the counter, Rory imitating his stance his eyes glancing at the hickey on her chest.

"What are you gonna do if I don't?" She asked hoping it sounded as seductive as she wanted it to. Neither noticing Steve and Soda mutual look before rushing off to the garage.

"Better watch yourself, doll, you might not be able to handle that," He said his voice dropping down, biting at his bottom lip.

"Oh yeah? I handled it perfectly fine last night," She smirked watching his brown eyes nearly turn black as his pupils dilated.

"Darlin', last night wasn't even half of what I'm gonna do to you," Rory's cool facade broke at that, jer jaw dropping at the smirk on his face. Before she could compose herself Dally was reaching over to grab her jaw roughly and pull her into a kiss. She moaned feeling his tongue slip into her mouth, rubbing against hers.

"You're gonna wreck me, Dallas Winston," Sje sighed pulling back to look at him, blushing at the smirk that spread across his lips again.

"You have no idea, doll."

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