Chapter VI

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The rest of the day was just as boring as it started out. Rory was in her last period waiting for the bell to ring and taking notes. She wish she hadn't even come
today but it was fine shd just had a major headache. She kept thinking of Sherri's sleepover offer though. The only thing she could think is that it was a trick or something but she wasn't like other socs so she just kept pushing that thought away.

Rory shoved her notebook back in her bag as the bell rang. A group of socs shoved passed her nearly knocking her over, she just rolled her eyes and kept walking. When she got outside and scanned the usual spots for Dally, she frowned not seeing him. He wasn't always here as soon as she got out of school so she just went and sat on one of the picnic benches and waited. She rolled my eyes again when she saw one of the socs from her history class walking her way. .

"Hey, grease. Looks like someone messed up that pretty little face of your." He fake pouted them laughed.

"Whadda ya want Gregg?" She asked as he hopped on the table top of the picnic bench.

"Who was it, hmm? Your hood of a boyfriend finally show you who he really is?" Rory scoffed and looked up at him, looking away when she heard a car horn.

Dally watched from the car as Rory and some soc looked his way. She stood up tossing her bag over her shoulder stopping when the soc grabbed her shoulder roughly and pulled her back.

"Answer my question, grease." He growled, Rory huffed angrily at him holding her so tightly, catching him off guard when she turned around and punched him as hard as she could causing him to stumble. Dally snorted a laugh watching his girl handle herself.

"No, it was some of your pussy soc buddies that like to put their hands on girls, something my 'hood' boyfriend would never do. Fuck off." She spit at him turning and walking to the car.

"Hey, doll, you alright?" Dal asked flicking away his cigarette.

She could see Gregg watching the, so she didn't answer his question. Reaching over over she grabbed the sides of Dally's face and pulled him into a kiss. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, just wrapped his arms around her waist and slipped his tongue into her mouth. She made a small noice against his mouth, pulled one of her hands away and flipped Gregg off.

"Lets get outta here," He grinned at her before peeling out leaving the soc looking after them dumbfounded.

"Where we going?" She asked leaning close to him.

"Gotta bring Buck his car back, but I was thinking we just go hang out at your place." He shrugged, she nodded resting her elbow on the console and kissed his cheek.

"Missed you today, wish I wouldn't have went to school." She pouted as one of his arms wrapped around her shoulders.

"I know baby, but you've got a good thing goin' with school." She nodded, of course knew that.

Rory knew Soda only dropped out to be more help with Darry. She offered to do the same and they about had a fit just at the idea so she settled on part time and Darry agreed as long as she could keep her grades up. The ride to Bucks was pretty chill and quiet. Tim Shepard and his gang were standing around outside when they pulled up to the house, or more what Rory like to call a knock off bar. There were always parties here and people hooking up. Dally never liked her to hang out here unless they were playing pool, said it 'wasn't a place for a lady'.

"Goddam Curtis, what the hell happened to you?" Tim asked as they got out of the car. Just like with her boys Tim and Curly were protective over her too. She wasn't super close with his gang but since Tim liked her his gang was protective of her too.

"Fuckin' socs, man," She grumbled as he gave her a short one arm hug before turning to shake Dally's hand.

"Yous with her when it happened?" Tim asked him and Curly exchanging a look as Dally lit up a cigarette.

"Yeah, man. Was walkin' her home from work, stopped to hang out in the park, four of those fuckers pulled up. I made her run, her house was right there, their biggest guy went after her, dude was bigger than Darry man it was fucked up. We got ours though, before they pussied out and ran off." Dally growled as Rory pushed herself up to sit on the hood of the car, Dally standing right next to her.

"The guy who came after her, you said it was a big guy. You got a hold of him?" Tim asked Dally who looked up at him with a nod.

"Yeah, man. Fuckin' douche, goin' after a her girl. We all know she can fight, but this dude a big fucker." Dally slung his arm over her shoulder, both of them looking over at Curly when he stepped up next to Tim.

"Dude's name is Austin. Ran into him and his buddies earlier. Figured you got into a fight with him, got an imprint bruise of your ring on his face. Said he got in a fight with some dudes and a broad," He said Tim looking back at them.

"Didn't wanna tell us who it was though, probably figured we knew you," Tim said, sounding just as pissed off as Dally.

"I mean I know if it was Angela, dude probably would've been dead," Curly shrugged casually and Rory honestly didn't doubt it for a second.

"How is Angela? I haven't seen her around in a while," Rory asked the two brothers, Angela was their sister, she was the same age as Dally.

"She was locked up for a little while. Dads been making her stay home so she stays out of trouble." Tim shrugged, Rory nodded in acknowledgment. Angela and Rory were never really close but she was the closest thing she'd ever had at a girl friend. Darry didn't really like Rory hanging out with her though.

"Well it was good seeing you, man, but I should be getting her home." Dally said pulling his arm from around her to shake Tim's hand.

"You dig, man. Well have to catch that pull game some other night. We see that prick again we'll take care of him," Tim turned to Rory to hug her goodbye.

"Send him my way when your done with him." Dally laughed, grabbing her hand and pulling her away.

"Let's get you home, baby,"

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