Chapter 12 - Boot Camp

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"Come on, come on, come on!" Jordan spurs me on.

He keeps glancing at the timer on his phone but I barely notice that because I am too focused on the ball that I am dribbling around the make-shift poles. I give myself a final push and increase my speed a bit more, hoping that my feet will not let me down and make me trip over them. I feel sweat running down my face and my back.

"Go, go, go, go!" Luke calls out while clapping his hands excitedly.

Two more poles to go.

I tell myself that I can do this. Grinding my teeth, I manage to release yet another tiny surge of additional energy. Having expertly manoeuvred the ball around the last post, I let out a triumphant squeal and kick the ball in the direction of the goal. Although that isn't part of the exercise, I am satisfied to find that it hits the spot in between the two goal posts perfectly and comes to a rest against the net at the back of the goal.

"22.7 seconds!" Jordan exclaims.

Arms wrap themselves around me from behind. I shriek as I feel myself being thrown into the air, terrified of the impact that surely is to come once gravity pulls me back down towards the ground. Instead, I land safely back in the arms of the unknown person. I turn my head and look directly into Luke's grinning face.

"Let me go!" I complain and try to wriggle out of his hold.

I feel sticky and dirty and the last thing on my mind is a cuddle with one of my brothers, or anyone at all. Luke laughs, plants a sloppy kiss on my grubby cheek and puts me back down on my feet.

"Well done, Lily!" he compliments me.

He attempts to ruffle my already dishevelled hair and I jump out of his reach.

"Thank you," I grit out while glaring at him.

Can't he just accept that I hate being touched when I feel so gross?

"You were awesome!" Gracie interrupts my not so favourable thoughts.

I turn to look in her direction and find her running towards me, her face beaming with joy. I grin widely at my best friend and we high-five when she finally catches up to us. Meanwhile, Jordan and Aidan have joined us, too.

"I'm super proud of you, kiddo," Jordan tells me.

He reaches out to pull me into a hug and I quickly put some distance between us. Furrowing his eyebrows at my weird behaviour, he gives me a questioning look.

"I don't like to be touched when I'm sweating all over. That's just gross," I explain for his and Luke's benefit.

I have only just remembered that they haven't been around during the past few years when playing soccer has become a more permanent and important hobby in my life. Hence, they have also never been to one of my games. They don't know the person I usually become when it comes to my chosen activity. My other brothers – at least those who also have a tendency to show their affection in a physical way – have learned to keep their distance after a game until I have cooled down or have had a shower.

"What was my time again?" I ask curiously.

"22.74 seconds, to be precise," Jordan repeats. "I told you that you could do it in under 23 seconds."

"That's because you're such a drill sergeant," I complain. "The mere thought of having to do it again and again and again was enough for me to push myself to the limit, just to avoid that."

"Totally understandable," Luke agrees, winking at me.

He doesn't like sports very much and I am not aware that he does anything to keep in shape. Luke is the smallest out of all my brothers when it comes to height and build – not counting the twins, who, according to them, have still not finished growing yet – and I am actually surprised that he managed to throw me into the air like this just now.

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