Chapter 20 - Drama Queen

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"Maybe we should give her some coffee?"

"I think a couple of energy drinks would be even more effective."

"Or I could just dump a bucket of ice water on her?"

"Tickling might be a slightly more humane option."

"My vote still is for the ice water – or maybe Alex has a taser lying around somewhere?"

"That's pretty mean, even for you, Aidan."

"I believe in treating your loved ones with...well, love."

I jump when suddenly a pair of arms wrap themselves around me from behind. I sluggishly open my eyes and look up to find Luke standing behind me, hugging me. He was the one who said that last part.

Relieved, I relax against his chest and let me eyes fall shut again.

"Hey, honey, no more sleeping for you now, okay?" Luke's soft voice says into my right ear.

I mumble something unintelligible and cuddle closer, consuming the warmth that his body is giving off. My brothers – correction: Alex – unceremoniously pulled me out of bed about fifteen minutes ago. It was barely 07:30am when he did that to me.

And this on a Saturday morning!

I somehow managed to drag myself downstairs after getting dressed in an old pair of leggings and a ratty t-shirt. My barely conscious mind was unable to remind me to put on another layer, aka a long-sleeved top or a hoodie or something. So it is no surprise that I am now not only still more or less asleep while sitting at the breakfast bar, but I am also freezing.

Luke must have noticed my discomfort because he unwraps his arms from my waist and starts to rub his hands up and down my arms. I make a few happy noises and feel my eyes close again.

"All right, listen up troops. Let's go over the plan for today!" Alex's voice booms, immediately startling me awake.

I glance in his direction and find him walking purposefully into the kitchen where everybody is gathered who is supposed to take part in the infamous Gardening Drill. This basically means everybody but Josh, because he doesn't live here anymore. Also, Sean and Jordan don't have to help out either, for obvious reasons. I notice that Will is missing, too.

What a surprise.

"Where's Will?" Aidan asks, like he has been reading my thoughts.

"He'll be here, don't you worry," Alex says confidently.

This, I interpret, means that he didn't spend the night here and therefore isn't in the house yet. Otherwise, there is no way he could have slipped past Alex, who I assume has been up since the crack of dawn just to make sure that none of his gardening soldiers desert the battle zone. 

"He better be, otherwise I'm gonna go on strike," I hear Aidan whisper to Noah.

I agree with him. It is bad enough that we have to go through this once a year. And this time it will be even more annoying, thanks to Jack refusing to do his share. So, if there is someone else who successfully manages to get away without helping – yes, I mean you, Will! –, it will for certain make me rebel against Alex' plans, too.

"Nobody is gonna go on strike. I'll handle it," Alex reiterates, narrowing his eyes at Aidan.

I cannot suppress a giggle at the face Aidan pulls at having been overheard. Alex's ability to hear anything that is not meant for him is like his secret superpower or something.

"Something funny to you?" Aidan hisses at me.

"You mean other than your face?" I retort.

Luke nudges me from behind and whispers a "let it be" in my ear.

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