Demonic Pureblood Propoganda

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There was a significant decrease in the chaos at Hogwarts as rumours spread like wildfire surrounding Sirius's dramatic escape from the hands of demonic pureblood propoganda. Understandably, Sirius was rarely seen over the first few days and a lonely Peter was often seen at mealtimes by himself.

"Sad seeing him like that." Lily whispered as we watched Peter fumble with his knife and fork, chasing a sausage across his plate.

"Yea, it's almost as though he has no confidence without the others." Charlie agreed, taking every opportunity for gossip. "Do you think it's true... about Sirius?"

"I think so. I heard Severus talking about it to Regulus." Lily ignored Charlies dramatic gagging gestures. "It has been a lot quieter around here lately."

"The poor boy. I mean i get he's Sirius Black, he's the brightest star in the galaxy and can do anything or whatever... but even then it must be scary living on your own at sixteen." CHarlie agreed

"He's not on his own." I said before I could stop myself. I didn't know how much James and Sirius wanted me telling the girls. Despite Sirius's inclination for theatrics, he was notoriously private about his personal life. The mystery surrounding his family and childhood was probably even more alluring for many girls. I cringed looking up to see 4 sets of questioning eyes. "He's moved in with James. I saw them over the break."

"you caught up with the boys?" Charlie asked shocked

I nodded "I saw them at the ministry when I was with my dad."

"And Sirius told you that?" All the girls seemed surprised. Breakfast had been fforgotten and eveybody had turned so their full body's were facing me.

"Is that weird?" I sipped on my coffee nervously. I knew better than anybody the annoyance of having other people talking about you behind your back, but here I was gossiping shamelessly about Sirius.

"He doesn't tell anybody anything." Lily explained. "Remember when we didn't even know that his uncle was the defence professor?"

I knew that Sirius was private of course and Lily had raised a point which I had spent a considerable amount of the holidays rather confused about. Why had  Sirius told me about running away? He certainly wasn't obliged to. I dawdled thoughtfully on my way to ancient runes. We weren't even that close! Sure, I talked to him 100% more than I did last year but even then, it was either teasing him about his latest girl or planning the best way to cause a riot. I was not surprised however when Rashmi Singh plonked herself down beside me at ancient runes. I rolled my eyes at Remus who chuckled under his breath.

"Hey Camilla." She said, she tapped her henna laden fingers against the desk.

"Hi." I said cautiously. I knew what was coming next.

"How were your holidays?" She asked.

"Brilliant. Yours?"

"Went back home, nothing special." She dismissed my feeble attempt at small talk. "I heard about Sirius, how is he doing?" The false concern slid through her teeth.

"I'm not sure, I haven't really spoken to him."

"reclusive?" She asked sympathetically.

"Uhm." I started unsure of how to reply to that question. "I don't know." 

"You're in gryffindor? Surely you know." She was obviously confused.

"Have you asked every other gryffindor this question already?" I countered. I was beginning to get slightly agitated and was struggling to concentrate on my assingment. Luckily, she took the hint that I really didn't know much about Sirius and moved on to talking about the upcoming quidditch game.

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