Unstitched Material

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By the following week, things still weren't back to normal. Professor McGonagall had decided to still keep us apart during transfiguration. Whether it was due to anticipation of us chatting or she had read the situation and was fearing an argument, either way I was grateful as it gave me an excuse not to be near Sirius.

It seemed however that no matter how hard I tried, I could never escape the Blacks. Regulus's eyes glazed over me as I slid into my seat beside him.

"What's the problem with you and my brother." He asked. I couldn't sleep last night until four in the morning so my hair was unkept and my body felt like garbage. 

"None of your business." I grumbled. "Merlin have mercy, I forgot my transfiguration book."

Regulus obviously wasn't expecting me to even acknowledge his presence and lifted his head to examine my angry state. His desk was meticulously clean; three neatly placed quills, with not a signle feather out of place sat beside a shiny textbook. It was almost neurotic. He shifted the textbook carefully towards me.  "We can share if you want?"

 I hesitated for a moment, sharing with Regulus would fuel this fight even more. I could aready feel Sirius's eyes boring holes in my back as I talked to Regulus. Ah fuck it... I was feeling reckless. "He's staring at us you know." Regulus it seemed could also feel the tension as we worked our way through the questions Professor Mcgonagall had set for us I was surprised to see the rest of the class already chatting away, the room was full of conjured birds.

"I know. He can't tell me who to be friends with." 

"You're riling him up?" Regulus looked surprised and rather pleased realising he was merely a tool to fuel his brother's anger. "I never thought of you as the stiring type."

"I'm just tired of this." I admitted, my brain wasn't working and i couldn't seem to conjure anything more than a couple of feathers. I was unjustifyingly angry at Sirius, he had kissed me and then run off with Kitty Liang. He had left me to ruminate over my emotions for months only to tell me he had forgotten everything. I had wasted the entire summer holidays obsessing over that stupid boy. 

"Tired of fighting with my brother or just tired in general?" He asked looking pointedly. It was as though he could read my mind.

"Both."  I slumped further down in my seat exhausted. Regulus obviously could tell I wasn't in the mood for a chat, so we spent the rest of the lesson in silence.

"I never got to thank you, by the way, for warning me about my sister." Class was finally over and I was starving (I had skipped breakfast to avoid any awkward situations with Sirius).

"Don't be. I told them not to, doing unforgivables in hogwarts is reckless and downright stupid." As we walked to the great hall, I  couldn't help but notice how odd it felt walking with Regulus. He spoke similarly to Sirius, yet with a little less intensity. He walked slowly and I didn't have to crane my neck that much to look up at him.

I debated mentioning that doing unforgivables at all is reckless and downright stupid but I decided against it. "May I ask how you knew they did it to Allegra?"

"We're friends. It's just like how you know what James and Sirius's pranks are going to be before they do it."

"But they never do unforgivables." I mumbled. 

"No, instead they emotionally manipulate you and make you miserable." Regulus said pointedly looking from my unkept hair to bare bones of acceptable uniform (literally just my white shirt and school skirt).  "That's much worse. I'll see you later Camilla." It was almost a given that slytherins and gryffindors never sit together at lunch so we drifted apart automatically. 

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