The Dress

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The return to school for the remainder of sixth year was odd. I felt out of place, like i shouldn't be there. Although I knew it was out of the question, I couldn't help but wish that I was with Yves in Milan. Everybody could feel my mind was on something else, my grades were slowly creeping down and Professor McGonagall had tasked some moussy haired gryffindor seventh year to keep an eye on me (could also be the fact I set somebody's bed on fire). 

"Can I help you?" Scarlett asked at the girl who was glued to my hip on our way to history of magic. She dodged and weaved through the oncoming crowds of the great hall in a commendable effort to stay directly by my side. If anything, she was tenacious. 

"Professor McGonagall asked me to keep any eye out for you." She said with the upmost importance. She was a short stocky girl with a rough pixie cut  standing with her hands on her hips. Her skirt was three sizes too big and sat well below her knee and it looked like she had purposefully chosen the clunkiest shoes. I stopped myself before i spiralled into malice. Nastiness wasn't going to become me today. Besides, ridiculing her wasn't going to make her go away any faster.

"For me? Dang, didn't know McGonagall cared that much." Scarlett said sarcastically, gathering her books. 

"No, not you. Camilla." She huffed.

"I thought that's what friends are for." Scarlett muttered. I made a face to Scarlett as we both ignored the girl, climbing down the stairs to head to history of magic.

"You know this could be a game?" Sirius whispered in my ear as he joined us on our journey "See how fast we can ditch Miss McGonagall" He indicated to the girl following my heel. "What are your thoughts on skipping the rest of history of magic and spending 45 minutes with me?"

I had already done the course work. This was a very tempting idea. As we sat down and professor Binn's long droll began, I quickly realised there was no way i was going to listen. "Maybe" I replied.

"Can this tempt you." He ran his hand dangerously up my leg, I muffled a gasp in my scarf slapping his hand away. Several eyes turned to face us. My face grew hot and I sunk down in my chair.

"Yes. It definitely can." I replied. He smirked, satisfied. 

"See you in 5." Sirius jumped up casually walking out of the room. Professor Binn's didn't even notice, continuing his dramatic monologue. I rolled my eyes as he winked before shutting the door.

"You really shouldn't be skipping class y'know." Patty ( was that her name? I wasn't completely sure) followed us outside. I groaned, i had just forgotten about her.

"Hey Patty?" The girl tried to cover her excitment at being adressed directly by Sirius Black :how about you get yourself a hot chocolate or something from the kitchens. If McGonagall asks, we can take the blame. We'll say you looked all over hogwarts for us."

"Where are the kitchens?" SHe asked confused.

"Just tickle the pear over there." Sirius grinned wickedly pointing to the familiar portrait. In her momentary lapse of concentration, Sirius pulled me under the invisibility cloak and we disappeared up the stairs. The dorm rooms were thankfully empty, and Sirius quickly flicked the red drapes of James and Peter's bed closed.

"Those two live like trolls i swear." He grumbled, I sensed this was the root cause of many dorm room arguments. I had been to the boys room several times before and was no longer startled by the 'marauders' shrine which sat in the corner of the room next to the door to the bathroom.

"How did you come up with these nicknames? Why do they call you padfoot?" I asked curiously looking at the picture of the four friends. 

"That's a story for another day." He shook his head, angrily throwing James's shirts in a pile over by the corner. "We don't usually get visitors, so they never bother to make the room look respectable."

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