Summer Holidays

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It's been a slightly slow start but I promise you 6th year is going to heat up!! 

Once again, thank you all for the support. 


I woke up with a jolt blinking the blur out of my eyes, looking around the shaking carriage of the train. Merde, it was just a jolt in the carriage, that wasn't all a dream. I sighed, pulling another jacket over me and curling my knees up to my chest. I hadn't seen Sirius this entire morning nor did I see him for the rest of the day. I silently prayed he had drunk too much of that petrol-esque spirit he was carrying around last night. Was he avoiding me? It wasn't as though I was seeking him out either so I couldn't blame him. This was like the worst of both worlds, I was obviously too drunk to control myself but I still remembered every moment of that night. It was like re-watching your worst nightmare over and over again.

I decided to stay with my uncle for the summer in our beach house in Genoa as I wanted to help out for the milan show the following month. 

It was easy convincing my parents that my foul mood was just nerves about my OWL results which were set to come in the first few weeks however Yves knew something was wrong. Thankfully, he didn't bring the topic up instead leaving me to create multiple worst case scenarios in my head whilst alone in my room.

I put some nutella on a carrot pretending to call it health, we were set to leave for an hour trip from Genoa to Milan but I had gotten a call from LIly informing me she had just received her OWL results. The windows were open and the breeze was flowing through the white curtains. Allegra and my mother had stayed in London while Yves and Pierre felt like they needed some new inspiration.

"It's here!" I screeched as I saw the large barn owl flying over the calm blue ocean. I grabbed the letter from the owl racing to my room and locking the door.

I opened the letter, my hands shaking.

Defence against the Dark Arts - O

Astronomy - A

History of Magic - A

Transfiguration - O

Charms - O

Potions - O

Care of Magical Creatures - E

Ancient Runes - O

I gaped... I hadn't done too badly at all.

"Camilla, On y va (Let's go)" I could hear Yves calling from outside. I hurriedly grabbed my wallet, the letter still clasped in my hand as I clambered into the car. We sat in the back of the large black hummer on the way to the fitting I watched my uncle light another cigarette, the smoke fogging his square black rimmed glasses.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est (What is this)" Yves asked pointing to the letter I still clutched.

"mes résultats scolaires." I showed him the letter. It was obvious he was wildly confused by the subject choices, but hugged me with pride nonetheless. I could always count on Yves to be supportive. My mother and father on the other hand would probably be wondering why I didn't get all O's. I had decided not to tell them until they asked... just to delay the pain.

"Comme prévu, tu as obtenu des résultats excellents (Like expected, you got excellent results)" he smiled proudly, his square-rimmed glasses almost knocking off has his face creased with happiness.  We had reached the hotel inter-continental and I could feel the paparazzi buzzing outside. Yves handed me a patterned scarf which i wrapped over my head as we stepped out into the blinding lights. I fumbled for his hand as he pulled me through the glass doors.

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