High Standards

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"Camilla?" Sirius's voice came faintly over the phone. My body involuntarily shivered at the sound of his voice, I suddenly realised how much i missed it.

"CAMILLA ARE YOU THERE?" James's voice came alot louder. "CAN YOU HEAR US?"

I pulled the phone away from my ear before i became deaf. "Yes, i'm here." I giggled.

"I got your owl, we're using a pay phone." Sirius explained. I snorted at the thought of both Sirius and James cramped inside a tiny red payphone box.

"I'm so sorry about this." I said quickly. "My mother wants to meet you. She's started freaking out, talking about how i've been corru-"

"Don't be sorry. I'd love to meet your parents." I could barely hear Sirius's voice over James's loud exclamations of "THIS IS INSANE, HOW IS OUR VOICE BEING TRANSPORTED OVER HALF THE EARTH BY JUST THIS WIRE."

 "Shut up James." I could hear the exasperation in Sirius's voice "I'm staying at James's place so I can get to yours by floo. What's the adress?"

I cursed suddenly realising another obstacle. The house was a safehouse, only the secret keeper could disclose where it was... and that was my father. "I can't say. I- uh, i'll pick you up. at 7" I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs behind me. "I have to go. Bye." I said before putting the phone down quickly. I whirled around to see Allegra peering over my shoulder, totally invading my personal space. She held out one of the two jackets she was holding.

"I'm coming with you. I've always wanted to see the Potter's house. Apparently it's a mansion." Her green eyes twinkled mischeviously, creasing with her grand grin. "Besides somebody needs to make sure you and Black stay PG-13 in the car. Who better than a 13 year old?"

"You little shit. Were you listening to my conversation?"

"Yep." She said happily waltzed behind me. "Oh Sirius baby i love you." I was slowly realising she was building her base of  ammunition to use against me in arguments.

"Can you stop? Fine. You can come, but you have to be normal. No scaring him, no threatening him, no talk about the family alright?" I looked down at the tiny girl. She was planning something, i knew it. I brushed past her roughly, heading up to my room.

"When am i not normal?" She cried out as I shoved her onto the couch.


This wasn't just a dinner. This was a meet the parents dinner. I found a collared red dress, throwing it on over some black tights and black heeled brogues. It was a neat, simple look... hopefully subconsciously reminding my mother that I was still, (maybe?!) the golden child.

I burst into Allegra's room yanking her arm and dragging her down the spiral staircase "Let's go." we had three hours until dinner so quickly filed into the car James's parents had helped arrange. My knees shook with nerves watching the sunset fall over the cloudy grey sky.

"So I was right." Allegra shook me from my incessant fidgeting, as the london lights had begun to come into view below us. "You are sleeping with Black."

"Shut up." I growled again. We had touched down outside the Potter mansion to find Mr and Mrs Potter waiting for us at the front door.

"The boys are upstairs," A worried look was on Mrs Potter's face. "They've been locked in their room for the last 4 hours since your phone call." She explained.

I thanked her quickly, racing up the stairs and dragging Allegra along with me before she could destroy anything within the house. I rapped my knuckles against the old fashioned wooden door.

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