{10} Going back to the Heart Moon Pack

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Chapter 10- Going back to the Heart Moon Pack.

Song of the day- BTS Idol ft. Nicki Minaj

Breyanna's P.O.V

"You're going to be fine, Breyanna. Just breathe." Kai instructed

I sighed and took a deep breath in then out.

I got up from my bed and looked at the alarm clock on my night stand.

It's says 7:30 am

I walked to my bedroom door and opened it.

"Kai, you coming?" I asked as I walked out.

"In, a minute." He answers.

I nodded and walked downstairs to the kitchen there I saw Lani, Quanda and........ Adea.

"You look like shit." Adea commented

I shot her a glare which she gladly returned.

I sighed and looked away.

"Brey, you ok?" Lani asked as she walks up to me.

Adea walked up to me and give me a cup of hot chocolate milk.

"Relax." Iona commands.

I let my guards down and let all my stress release.

Quanda summon a love seat and I sat down in it.

"This is the first day Iona is not on her period." Adea whispers to Quanda.

I cover up my laugh with a cough.

Iona give Adea a glare.

"She back on it." Adea sighed dramatically

Iona walked up the cupboard and collected the cereals and the milk from Quanda.

Iona collected a bowl and a spoon.

She put some cereals in the bowl then throw some milk in the bowl.

She hand the bowl to me.

"Eat." She ordered

I looked up at her and sighed softly.

I thanked her and started eating.

"Sooooo.." Adea started but trail off.

"I'm going for a hunt." Adea said then in the blink of an eye she was gone.

"I need to pack." Sese stated in a snapped she was gone.

"I'm going to Calvin." Iona reported and walked out the kitchen.

"What was that about?" I asked

"I just going go look for Adea." Quanda says and she was gone.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Well their just worried and anger that you have to going back to the pack." Lani explained

"But you guys were treated the same way." I told Lani

"Are you ready to go back?" Lani asked that question caught me off guard.

"Yes." I lied

"Brey, it's not us going back to see our ex mate and family it's you, and we're just worried, so tell me the truth are you ready to go back?" Lani questions

"No." I whispered

Lani hugged me tightly

"It's going to be fine, now get ready." Lani says as she pulls back and walked out the kitchen door.

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