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I didn't stop running until I was out of the neighborhood and at Woodrow Park. The trees were long and overgrown, the benches splintering and dented. The paint on the monkey bars was chipped and fading, the slide blocked off for repairs as it had been for the past 5 years. Even still it was a far cry from my neighborhood, with beer cans littering the street and houses crumbling inward. Shouts could be heard at any time and kids always made sure to stay away.

I hung out at the park, sitting on the monkeybars and entertaining myself by doing flips and doodling in the sandbox for a few hours until I decided to head to school. Even though school is a few miles away I walk everyday. The walk is usually the best part of my day, when I don't have to worry about home or school and can get lost in the walk, keeping the bad thoughts at bay.

The walk was peaceful. The wind caressed my face and I smiled for the first time in a while, losing myself, if only for a second, to the peaceful quiet of the morning. Blue jays floated around the entrance to the school, a brick wall with a small, peeling, gate encompassing the school.

The school was huge, a high school and middle school combined. Teenagers littered the sidewalk and steps to the building. They were passing the football, greeting friends, and passing the latest and greatest gossip.

A sharp pang pierced my heart as the familiar sense of longing crept into my heart and surrounded me.

"Hey Jake!" Hope surged in my heart. Someone was calling for me! It was foolish, I know, to think that I would turn around to have a friend patting me on the back with a warm smile.

No. Instead I saw Paul, Raul, and Randy. Yup. Someone named their kids Paul, Raul, and Randy. Paul, Raul, and Randy were brothers. Paul and Raul were twins in my grade, 8th, who made it their personal civic duty to torment me every chance they got. They were identical, blonde, and had an athletic build. Their brother Randy towered over me even in 6th grade, Emily's grade. And Randy had made it no secret that he liked Emily. And Emily had made it no secret that she hated me. Compared to my small, bruised body these boys were giants.

I kept on walking, hoping against all hope that they would just go away, for once. For one day. Of course, when did I ever get what I wanted. I sighed as I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder and spin me around.

"Where do you think your going?" Paul's hot breath blew on my face and my nose shriveled as it took in his awful breath. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my calm. After this morning's events my already very short fuse was ready to blow.

"Not today Paul, really, come on man." Wrong move.

"Ohh, someone having a bad day. Poor baby." Raul spoke up, stepping up next to his brother to sneer at me.

"Look guys-" I was cut off by a shout. Shoot.

"Hey Randy!" Emily beamed up at Randy. I barley held back a gag. They deserved each other.

"Emily!" Randy straightened his back, slightly flexing his muscles while his brothers took a step back from me, making room. It was time for Randy to impress his girlfriend. "Uh, what'd Mr. Grumpy pants do today."

Emily turned as if seeing me for the first time. She laughed and pulled out a stained brown wallet stuffed to the brim with cash.

"He stole Dad's wallet, such a bad boy. Then he was supposed to give it back before he left for school and he just... disappeared. Mother was so disappointed." She turned to give me a look of betrayal as if disappointing the mother who married Michael was the worst crime in the world. "And to think he used to get all the attention. I changed that." She nodded and grinned Emily, wagging the wallet in my face.

The brothers laughed as my chest tightened, my face clenching in anger to see the wallet dangling right in front of my face. I stepped forward and snatched the wallet from Emliy's grip. Or at least I tried to.

"What are you doing man! You can't just rip things out of people's hands!" Randy shoved me full force, sending my small, battered body flying into a wall for the second time that day. My head pounded as I struggled to stand, wobbling on my feat. Everything spun but I knew one thing for sure, I had to get that wallet. I would be getting a beating when I got home, I knew that for sure, but the fact was how bad of a beating and that wallet was like my golden ticket to the chocolate factory.

"P-please Emily. I need that wallet." I hated the begging sound that my voice tuned into all to fast. I used to fight back, but learned all too well that they weren't going to stop that way.

"Aww he's begging." I glared at Paul before turning back to Emily, my eyes taking on a pleading look.

"Hmmmm..." I wanted to throttle her right there and then, standing their in her designer shoes while I struggled to find food each day. She pressed a perfectly manicured finger to her chin.

"Please Emily. I'll-I'll do anything." I was so gonna regret saying that later.

"Anything?" The brothers looked on with eager faces.

"Umm, pretty much."

"Not good enough."

"Fine, okay, I'll do anything." Emily smiled and turned on her heel, Randy following like a lovesick puppy.

"Meet me an hour after school ends, at the mall on Malberry Street," She called over her shoulder. "And boys, try to be nice to Jake today. Okay?"

Paul and Raul turned to give me matching sneers before stepping aside.

"Saved by your little sister, huh?"

I pushed past them, but not before catching their conversation.

"Wonder what she's got planned."

A snort.

"It'll definitely be good. Can't believe their related. She practically rules the school and he's... whats the word... pathetic."

I fought back the hot tears as my face turned bright red.

The worst part was, they were right.

Okay not my best work but it get better I promise. I'm too tired to edit right now.

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