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School flew by in a small collage of classes, blurring together one after the other. Science was dull, nothing that would help me figure out what to do about Michael or Emily, math was boring, numbers that would never be used in my daily life, and what's the point of learning how to write an opinionative essay if no one actually cares what you have to say.

When the bell rang I stuffed my battered bag stuffed of useless textbooks full of meaningless knowledge and trudged down the stairs. By now word of my deal with Emily had spread. I kept my head down to avoid the stares and laughter as the others watched the pathetic brother to the most popular girl in school make his way to meet his doom.

I had time to kill as Emily was helping out with a fundraiser for the soccer team for an hour after school. That left me with nothing to do for an hour and I certainly wasn't going home. Especially without that wallet.
I decided to head to the library, maybe, just maybe, I could focus on my homework. I sat down and opened up a book of pointless knowledge.

An hour later I jolted awake, drool dripping from my mouth. The empty sheet of paper seemed to tease me. Not even a name dotted the clean sheet of paper. Not. Even. A. Name.
Groaning I glanced up at the library clock.
Oops. I was late! I hastily collected my few belongings and rushed outside. To be drenched in an instant. I groaned quickly, putting my overflowing bag over my head. I didn't even have a jacket to cover my ragged clothing. Was it too late? Did Emily leave? Would she throw away the wallet? No likely she would return it, claiming she'd found it in whatever horrid hiding place I had thought up.

So caught up in my thoughts I was oblivious to exactly what turns I was taking. The roar of the downpouring rain brought me back to the present and I immediately halted. Idiot. Now I had no clue where I was. Cursing myself in my head I turned in circles to try and orient myself with my surroundings. How I wished for Emily's bright pink phone in this moment.

Then again who would I call. Who would actually care about the idiot who had fallen asleep and forgotten a jacket. Not that I really owned a jacket. Maybe I could steal Michaels. Now that would be fun. Or maybe Emily would just steal it for me. I mean I would get the blame anyway. I laughed at the thought of painting the jacket bright pink. Michael would just love the new fashion design.

Cold hands clamped around my chest, pulling me backwards. My body froze in surprise before struggling in my captors strong arms. I tried to scream but all noise was obliterated by the rumble of thunder and barrage of rain. A cold sting of metal pierced my kneck and I gave one last hopeless attempt to free myself, swinging my foot back between my captors legs. I was just able to make out a satisfying crunch and small howl over the rain before my world faded to black.

My eyes fluttered awake for a second before closing again. The events of the night before were foggy at first, slowly becoming clearer as time passed. Sweat dripped down my brow as a sense of dread built up inside of me. I felt like curling up into a ball and just crying. I had had enough. Why couldn't I just have a day of normalness? Why would anyone even want to kidnap me? Would anyone even notice I was gone? This better not be some sick idea of a prank by Emily.

"Wake up" A low, guttural growl came from somewhere to my right. My eyes jerked open and I tried to bolt up, but noticed I was already sitting. My hands were tied to the arms of a wooden chair, my ankles tied to the legs.

The room I was in was empty and gray, with no windows, probably a basement of sorts. Dust coated the walls and a small grey door in the corner was bolted shut by an extensive padlock.

"Who-who are you?" My voice cracked and my hands shook, pulling against their bonds in a futile attempt to get away from the beast of a man in front of me. The man was over 6 feet with muscles the size of melons. He stood in front of me with his hands behind his back, a look of pure hatred on his face. My captor stood still with his unyielding glare, as he began to pace, his eyes never leaving me.

"Why am I here? I-I... Who are y-"

"Quiet!" The man's voice was low and gravelly.

I gulped and fell silent. This was not a man you wanted to anger. The man stalked over to me, his hazel eyes studying me as he stopped in front of my chair.

"Okay boy. You are going to listen to me very carefully. I'm going to untie you, okay? And your going to walk up those stairs behind meyou like a good boy. Then we're going to go meet a friend of mine and your going to treat him very respectfully, okay?" I nodded and the man bent to untie first my hands, then my legs.
I shook out my stiff muscles for a second, wincing slightly from the numerous bruises covering my body.

"Okay, up you go." Cautiously I began my walk up the wooden stairs that had been behind my chair. The boards creaked with each step sounding final in the silence that enveloped us. Even now my mind raced, trying to come up with some way to escape. The man was following behind me, surely I could run when I reached the door.

My muscles tensed, ready to bolt as the door opened with a small push. I ran. Years of running from my step father had made me fast and by the time the door slammed into my captors face I was racing down the hall.
I wasn't fast enough.

The wind was knocked out of my lungs, my back slammed into the wall.

"What did I tell you, boy?" My captor's eyes shone with anger, his face tense, a small growl coming from his throat.

Fear tightened my throat as I gulped for air, his gigantic forearm pressed against my small throat.

"Now you better listen, boy and this is your last warning. When we walk into that room you are going to do whatever the man says. He's been looking for you for a long time and the more obedient you are the more I get paid and the better it will be for you, understand?"
My head bobbed up and down frantically before the man released me and I fell to the ground gasping for air.

"Okay, lets go."

After a sharp kick to the side I stood. It was time to meet my kidnapper.

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