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      The door in front of me opened to reveal a living room. The room was medium sized, with a small amount of light coming from the window. The atmosphere in the room was the opposite of that outside. The faint sound of birds chirping conflicted the tense atmosphere in this dull room. Birds? The rain must have stopped and that would mean it wasn't night anymore. In the room sat a big oak desk with two grey chairs in front of it and a small fireplace on the left.

    Behind the desk stood a man, his back facing us.

    "Sir..." The demeanor of my captor had changed. He seemed more cautious, afraid. I gulped, knowing that if this man was afraid then I definitely should be too.

    The man turned around slowly and I could feel his eyes studying me as I did the same. He was a tall man with light brown hair and dark blue eyes. His face was hard with no emotion or sign that he had smiled.

    "Sit." His voice was loud and it commanded you to do as he said. I took one of the grey chairs, the first man standing by the door and the second taking the seat on the of the side of the desk.

    "So Jake I-"

    "How do you know my name?" Fear constricted my throat, this was a planned kidnapping. Well, duh. The reality of my situation finally hit me and it was as if a wall in my mind had come crashing down. No one would miss me. Not Mom. Not Michael. Not Emily. Not any of my friends. Wait- what friends? No one would be looking for me. The thought almost brought me to tears.


    The man in front of me seethed, his face going bright red.

    "You will not interrupt me boy or there will be consequences, understood?" Each word was punctuated and soft, in a deadly silent sort of way, worse than any screaming could ever be. I quickly nodded my head. The man in front of me scared me more than Michael ever could.

    "Now, as I was saying, Jake you must be very confused at the moment, but all will be explained in time. Don't worry no harm will come to you as long as you follow the rules. All of them. Any broken rules and you will be punished. And don't even think of trying to escape. Thius place is surrounded by guards and you will be accompanied at all times by either myself or John." he nodded to the man standing behind me.

    Thoughts rushed through my head. Why? Why me? Why had this man decided to take me? What did he want? I felt like screaming, crying, punching someone. I managed to fight back my tears before I turned to the man, breathing deeply to control my anger.

    "Why?" It was all I managed to croak out before the man reached over the desk and backhanded me across the face. My body flew out of the chair and rolled to a stop in the corner of the room. Immediately, I jumped up, fists clenched and ready for anything, inwardly cursing myself for letting my guard down. When both men just stared I put my fists down and a hand to my cheek. It burned. This man was stronger than Michael and one slap indicted more pain than any of Michael's beatings could even imagine. My throat felt glued shut and my stomach was a bottomless pit as hopelessness washed over me. I took a tiny step back, trying to put any amount of distance I could between me and these men. I felt a tear dripping down my cheek and quickly brushed it away. I would not let these men see my tears.

    "Rule number 1: You will not speak unless spoken to, is that understood?" His voice was calm and controlled with fury hidden beneath. I felt a jolt of terror shoot down my spine as he waited for a response. His face was bright red and droplets of spit flew from his mouth when he screamed. "ANSWER ME BOY!" 

    I nodded.

    "Rule number 2: I expect a verbal answer."

    "Y-yes s-s-sir." I couldn't help but stutter. I just wanted to curl into a ball and cry. This. Was. Not. Happening.

    "Okay, that's enough for today. John, take him back to his room." In 2 steps John was next to me grabbing my arm and pushing me forward. I allowed him to shove me out the door. Anything to get away from that room. That man.


The Criminals sonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon