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I was left in the room for days? A week maybe? There was no way to tell and more importantly there was no way out, I must have stomped up and down those stairs for hours at a time.

My voice was scratchy and sore from the shouting, my splintered hands tired of pounding the door. I had managed to sweep most of the dust in to a corner of the room. My navy shirt hung over my skinny frame and the clattering of teeth filled the otherwise empty room.

Currently, I sat. Hands wrapped around my knees, head resting on the wall behind. My body shivered and sunk as far as it could into the bed. Searching for a semblance of warmth.
A creak. The clobber of footsteps. Closer and closer and closer.

John appeared at the door. Neither of us moved, staring until eventually I uncurled myself from my spot on the bed standing slowly on wooden legs.


With that he turned around, stomping back up the stairs.

For a while I just stood there. Should I follow him? Did I really even have a choice?
Eventually I forced myself to take a wobbly step forward. My legs were stiff from the lack of movement and weak from the lack of food.

Then again I'm used to it.

My feet padded lightly from step to step as I stepped out into the blinding light of the hallway.

The hallway was bare and looked like every other one I had seen. No special landmarks, nothing to remember it by. Probably planned.
John stood, arms crossed, permanent scowl on his face. He glanced once my way before turning.

I followed. What else could I do?

His long strides were too much for my fatigued body to keep up with and I quickly fell behind.

"W-where are we g-going?" My eyes were scrutinized every last detail in the hallway, hoping for signs of a door, a way to remember the hallways. There was nothing, no paintings on the wall or scuffed flooring. Nothing. Each hallway was the exact same. It was unnerving. Someone had meticulously. These people may be evil but they sure aren't stupid.

John stayed silent, continuing forward. I could do nothing but follow.

Eventually we halted at a normal looking door, that towered over me. John tapped a few numbers into a small keypad attached to the wall besides the door. The door opened slowly into the room.

Before I could process anything I was shoed into the room. My first instinct was to turn around and glare at John, but I couldn't. My feet were glued to the floor in awe.

The room was ginormous. It was a huge garage type room. One section was used as a gym. Faded blue and red punching bags fell from the ceiling, weights littered the floor. The walls were a metallic gray with parts of green and any colors in the room had faded over time. The ceiling stretched far above my head with bright lights shining down on me.

There were parts of the room that housed motorcycles and cars, a couch with a TV in the corner, the room had everything. It even had fridge!

But what frightened me the most was the people. They were everywhere!

Huge masses of muscle roamed around. Some watched TV and joked with friends, a lot worked out, their faces grim as their eyes glared into mine. I gulped. This was definitely not where I wanted to be. Panic started to push its way up and I took a small step back, preparing to bolt.

But there was no where to go. John's hand guided me forward, towards a of the room where papers collaged on the wall and a metal table filled with blueprints in the middle.
Three men and two women crowed around the table. They all wore long black shirts and pants that only assisted in showing off their large muscles. Only one man wore something different, I recognized him as my abductor. The man who struck fear in my heart more than any of these other people ever could. I was relieved that there was a table between us. He wore a black suit, tie and all.

When they noticed my slow approach they fell quiet, standing to face me. Every single one of them towered over me. I came to a halt just a few feet away from them, John's imposing frame only one step behind.

My mind was on alert. Why did they want me? Why was I here? Why me?

The blueprints on th table were blocked from my view by two of the men in front of me. If I could see those blueprints maybe I would understand why I was here. I tried to focus on the blueprints but I could not emove my eyes from the food. Bowls of chips and fruit were on the table, calling to my starved stomach. I almost forgot about my abductors in front of me as the delicious smell wafted to my nose. Almost.

One of the woman must have noticed me staring as she took an agonizingly slow bight of an apple. Jerk.

"Ahh, you have arrived," my abductor beckoned me closer. There was no way I was getting near that man. My feet were planted.
He seemed to notice this, his eyes squinting. It took all my courage and strength to remain in my spot, glaring right back, our own little staring contest.

I lost. John shoved me forward, causing me to snap out of my train of thought. The man smirked, knowing he had the power here. There was nothing I could do but walk over to the man.

"So, Jake?"

"Y-," I cleared my voice to rid the croak from my parched throat. "Yes sir?"

He seemed to study me before nodding sharply.

"Follow me."

The man led me across the room. We were followed by the eyes of his gang as we journeyed to the far right corner of the room. This place really was huge!

There was a small wooden door that opened with a code into a office. The office was immaculate. Everywhere except the desk. The desk was covered in overlapping papers, folders, and open books with a computer to top it all off.


Two chairs were in front of the desk, I took one. I expected for him to take the one on the other side of the desk, but instead he pulled out the other chair and faced me.

Sweat beaded its way down my face. Would anyone ever find me?

"We have some important things to talk about, Jake."

"Why am I here? Wh-What did I do? What do you want from me!?!" I should have expected the slap. My body flew into the chair and my cheek stung horribly. The worst of it all though was my captors face. His blue eyes were hard and glaring into me, promising nothing but pain.

"What was rule number one boy? Hmmm... did you forget already?"

"N-no sir. Rule number 1: Don't speak unless spoken to."

"Yes. Did I say you could speak?"

"N-no sir."

He had leaned forward, hands clasped together, but now leaned back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head.

"Good. I want you to know I don't take pleasure in hurting you. But children must learn. Now let me tell you a story.

"From a young age I was left on my own. My mother passed and my father abandoned me. I bounced around, from foster home to foster home. People who claimed to love me, but in reality wanted nothing but money. I was young, heartbroken, and alone. But then I met a boy at one home. He introduced me to thievery and to him I shall forever be thankful. He introduced me to his gang. A group that protected each other, people who cared about me for the first time I could remember. Eventually the gang broke up, I made my way through the ranks of another gang, becoming second in command. But it was never enough. I need full control, ya know? So I killed him. Simple as that in the gang world. You take what you want form the people who have it.

"Well anyway, soon I met a girl. We ere young, foolish, and madly in love. We were ready to start a family. But things change. My gang was jealous of this love. It was changing me. For the worse, I stopped my gang work to be with her, I started to put my life on hold for her. I would do anything for her. It was dangerous. But I got over it. My gang helped me see that. And I knew other my enemies could not see my weakness. So I killed her, well tried. I was caught. Those damn coppers got me. Through me in a cell and locked away the key. Big news of my escape, surprised you didn't hear. Well imagine my surprise to find out I had a son. One she never told me about. That's why I kidnapped you. Look at that home you were in. How DARE someone do that to my son!

"You see my boy, I am helping you. It is my job. As your father."

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