●Chapter 3●

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*Real quick, I wanna say that I'm REALLY grateful for the support, votes, and comments you guys give for my story, so....

*Real quick, I wanna say that I'm REALLY grateful for the support, votes, and comments you guys give for my story, so

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Narrator's P.O.V.

          The heterochromia eyes skimmed over the slim, lean greenette. He takes long strides towards the smaller form with clouded, cold eyes. Confusion paints itself on Midoriya's face as Todoroki closes in, chest to chest while Midoriya is backed to the wall, peering up to the cold faced teen.

Todoroki's P.O.V

            *Oh, my innocent, pure angel. I think as shining emerald eyes meet my cold calculating ones. His face is tinted in a light pink as I lean over him, his hands form fists against his chest as his eyebrows furrow with confusion. So cute, so....MINE. My eyes squint in distaste as I remember how that savage heathen dared to corner MY angel. I grind my teeth slightly at the image, the bastard. My vision practically turns red, as my fists turn white at the knuckles.

"Um, T-todoroki-kun??" An angelic, quiet voice calls out to me, bringing me back to him.

        All my anger leaves as I stare at his weary gaze. I relax my fist and my shoulders loosen unknown tension, and calmness comes over me while I peer at my Izuku. My lips twitch to smile down at how pure and innocent he his as he looks up to me, confused and oblivious to the ongoing advances of pests and scum.

"Are you sure you're okay Midoriya?" I ask, voice slightly hoarse.

     His curls sway as he nods his head in eager agreement. He fiddles with his small, scared hands while he looks down. My eyes land upon the plush, full, pink lips as he mumbles and rambles on. So cute.

     Taking my hand and laying it in the soft green locks, I snap him out of his thoughts as he jumps slightly. His face turns red, realizing he was in his own little world. I crack a small smile and pleasurable shocks go through my hand as I ruffle his hair.

"Come on, let's go get lunch Midoriya." I state in a monotone voice, leaning down to him, our faces inches apart.

     Leaning away and the feeling of his soft warm breath leaving my face, I grab his left hand and give it a squeeze as I look back at my cute Izuku blush and stare down at the tile floor.


Deku's P.O.V.

        OhmyfluffOhmyfluffOhmyfluff- I try to cool my heated face, my right hand pulling on my oversized sleeve. Keeping my gaze down as Todoroki-kun leads us to the lunch line, I feel curious eyes gaze upon us.

        We make small talk waiting in line, mostly talking about All Might, and I swear I see Todoroki smile, but eh. As we come out of the line with our trays, I grab yummy kastudon while Todoroki gets some cold soba. We both head to our table and we're greeted  with Uraraka and Iida in the middle of a conversation, or I think it's one. Iida's moving his arms all wacky. I smile as we make our way over and set our food down. As we sit down, I see Uraraka's eyes go wide and smile as she looks over in our direction. Weird, but whatever. I'll ask her later. Now's kastudon time for me~! Yummy!

Uraraka's P.O.V.

        OH MY GOD!! Okay Uraraka, calm your inner fangirl... breathe. I think to myself as Deku- kun and Todoroki-kun sit down together. I can't believe it! They were holding hands, and they were blushing like crazy!! Oh my life! It's so cute!!

       I snap out of it as I here Deku-kun giggle at something. Aww, he's so cute. I look over and see Iida-kun and Todoroki-kun, and I see them both stare with wide eyes and heated faces. AaHhh- Deku-kun and his harem is great to watch!! I love it!! I think with a wide smile as the blur of the cafeteria's conversation rises back to normal. We soon continue our conversation, mostly talking about how to improve quirk abilities and All Might, but I don't mind. It's helpful, and Deku-kun smiles so bright. I swear it's so bright and all the guys seem to see and blush so hard. It's GREAT!


??? P.O.V.

         Oh god, he's so pure, so-. My thoughts stop as a white and red haired figure blocks MY baby  from me. Releasing a low growl under my breathe as I watch that idiotic piece of shit dare to even breathe near my baby boy.

        I see my little angel move to get up showing his seductive form. I bite my bottom lip lightly as I stare at my angels body, the way his slim, curved hips and his plump perk ass sway slightly. My eyes roam across my baby, his oversized clothes make his small form even more cute and tempting, and the cute messy dark lime green curls that frame his cute baby face covered in freckles, his small button like nose, his pink, lush, pouty lips, and my most favorite, his innocent, big, shining emerald eyes.

      He walks towards the trash bins, empties his tray, and sets it down with the others that are set in the stack. He then proceeds to move toward the doors and leave through the wide double doors. Perfect, now it's time for baby boy to spend some time with his Daddy. I think to myself as I stand, ignoring the clatter of my chair. Leaving my tray and forgotten food, I make my way towards my little boy with a small smirk.

*Hey guys! Remember to share, vote, follow, and comment! And read my other stories too! Thanks! ^/////^
~ Author*

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