● Chapter 7 ●

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??? P.O.V

THAT FUCKING BASTARD!!! I followed that robotic soulless bitch an he made my little Izu. Feeling my hands radiate with power I make my way to the door and blow it off the hinges, making them scrap. the door slams to the floor with a loud bang. My vision practically turns red at the disgusting sight before me.

"YOU DISGUSTING FUCKER!!" I screamed out in rage as I ran into the room, letting my electricity run rampid. Glasses fell from the shelves as they collapsed to the floor.

Wounded from the blast Tenya's fiery eyes met my own. With a snarl his pupils seemed to shrink as my fist met his face. He collided to the wall as what looked like lightning pushed him across from me near the bed, making a crater as his corpse collided to the ground and blood started to pool of the wooden floor. Electricity sparked over his burned body. A smirk form as I stared down at this menace's foul body. I stepped closer to him as the crunch of glass broke under me and knelt before him.

My hand grabs his forehead, nails digging cresent marks into his skin. I started to chuckle and push for over 445 watts of electricity as I held onto his body, letting the power destroy it's wasted body. The smell of burnt bitter meat filled the room as his body jumped and the burns turned more grusome. Flesh bubbled and blistered all the while his blood seemed to poor out from his wounds and mouth. The smell of iron filled the room, mixing with his charcoaled flesh. Light flickered against wall the dark room as
Rage and anger soon died as i grew pleased with the death of my rival.

My cold eyes stared down at his dull form. Moving my hands into my pocket I pull out the kitchen knife I had stashed away. I always did know these assholes would go for my izuku. Biting my lip, my body shakes as I try hard not to laugh at the thought of how my izku is already MINE.

Slowly I stood as my chest filled with pride knowing I fulfilled a task to my love.
Because, I swear my sweet god I will make myself worthy of your love, if my name isn't
Kaminari Denki.

Narrator's P.O.V

And so, after slicing the damaged corpse into an irecognizable skinned and battered piece of meat with a mess of protruding broken bits of bone, he stared at his gift to his beloved Izuku.

The blondes boots made sickening cracks and drip of blood and glass. Blooded hands reached out for the small passed out boy. His body curled and only covered by the oversized uniform shirt. Red covered fingers traced the pale freckled cheeks and pulled away as Kanimari took off his jacket and wrapped it around his love. Moving his lover's small body into his chest and securing him.... they vanished into the night.

* Hi guys!! I am SO freaking sorry, my phone is being taken from me for a bit so I won't upload as frequently!!
Also to solve some yandere problems you readers may have with said characters now in the story so far. And what characters I will not make yandere.

Current yandere's:

(Rest are to be continued later obviously)

Characters I refuse to make yandere:

Koji Koda (he is a pure bean and no harm will come to this boi, cause that is just wrong)

Mineta, I mean... I don't really need to explain this right??

And any other teacher because I don't like that. If they must be a yandere, they must love him as a parent -3-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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