9. Short Tempered

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I froze at the spot, not able to move, not able to breathe. I felt like all the confidence that I had was gone.
I closed my eyes, feeling embarrassed. I wanted to dig a hole in the floor and hide inside of it forever. Believe me I would have done it if it was even possible.
What am I going to face now? An angry Jimin? I had already broken the kiss, just the distance of few inches were keeping our faces apart.
I opened my eyes with all my strength just to see his eyes still closed? Is he still sleeping or just closing his eyes?
I finally decided to check. I called out for his name more like a whisper, silently.
Y/n: Jimin...?
I called him two times more but he didn't respond. After staying still in that position for 3 minutes, I heard him snoring softly.
I let out a sigh of relief. He is still sleeping. He didn't wake up. He just moved while sleeping.
This time I didn't dare to move, knowing that this time he will surely wake up.
I lay my head on his chest and also wrapped my arms around him. This is a chance for me to be close to him, even if he doesn't know. But something in me wants him to know that I want to be close to him and want to keep him close to me.
He doesn't show that he care for me but he actually do care for me and that's what matters the most.
I lifted my face up see him.
Y/n: I wish you knew the way I felt, everytime I look at you.
I wish you knew my heart would melt, when I think of me and you.


A week has passed and everything has gotten back to normal like before or should I say good? Because since we came back from his mother's house, we have started to exchange talks, not too much but a little bit. Well, it's better than having none after all.
I can't sit idle at home. I have also gotten back with my designing work. Jimin has to go on a business trip tomorrow for a whole damn week. How am I gonna live without him for a week?
But the most interesting thing these days is going is, kiss. I have set a alarm at midnight, just to wake up and kiss him. And he still doesn't know about it, now.

It was 10 pm at night. We already had our meals. I was sitting on the bed in our bedroom, getting extremely bored.
Jimin was downstairs in the living room as one of his client wanted to talk to him urgent.
Like really, what was so urgent that he came to meet now, at this time. I mean tomorrow Jimin has to go on a business trip for a week. He should let him rest.
Jimin really work too much, even at home. I should tell him to stop working for sometimes.
My beautiful thoughts were interrupted by a notification sound. I looked around, it was not my phone. It's Jimin's phone. He hadn't taken his phone with him. I think he just got a message.
The curiosity took the best of me. What could be the message? Who could send him a message at this time? I finally decided to take a look on his phone.
Well, I am his wife and the things which are his, are also mine so he won't get angry.
I grabbed his phone and looked in the messenger app. Oh! It's just a message from his company, reminding him that he has to go on a business trip tomorrow.
"What are you doing with my phone?" I turned myself from where the voice came. It was Jimin.
I just ignored him and started using his phone again.
He came closer to me and was about to grab the phone from my hand but I moved and stood up on the bed.
Jimin: Y/n, give me my phone, right now!
He said in a stern voice, glaring up at me.
Y/n: What if I say no? I'm your wife so I can use your things.
I laughed vigorously.
Y/n: Jimin, why do you so many images of laptops in your phone? Are you gonna buy all of them?
I said exploring his phone but as I looked at him, my smile faded.
He closed his eyes in anger and clenched his fist.
All of a sudden, he came to me and grabbed my wrist tightly, making me get down off the bed in an instant.
He snatched his phone away from my grip and looked at the angrily.
I tried to look up at him but quickly averted my gaze away. He was looking scary. His dark and scary expression made me to take a few steps backward but at the same time he was also taking steps forward to me.
Jimin: Give me a good reason for doing all that drama!
He shouted at me, making me feel more scared and uncomfortable.
Y/n: I- Jimin-I...
My voice was shaking, not letting me to complete my sentence.
Jimin: What I? Huh?
He again shouted at me. My eyes were getting watery. My head was up but my gaze was down at my hands.
Y/n: You got a message so I just-
Jimin: So you came to check the message if it was from a girl or not, right?
Y/n: No, it's not like that.
Jimin: Yes, it is. Do you think I don't notice your pointless dramas these days? Huh? How we sleep apart from each other at night and wake up hugging each other at morning? Why are you clinging around me these days? Huh? Stop being clingy for the God's sake!
I didn't expected him to be that angry. I wanted to tell him that I didn't see anything personal but the way he was yelling at me, was actually making me feel small and weak. But he continues.
Jimin: You want to see my everything using the word 'wife'.
You want to get access to my personal things with an excuse of being my wife. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT PERSONAL SPACE IS? Don't ever touch my things without my permission!
He said and was about to go but gaining my strength I finally decided to open my mouth.
Y/n: I just wanted to distract you from y-your work. I just wanted to tell you to leave your work for sometimes and have some rest. But I'm sorry. I will never do it again. I will never touch your things.
I looked up at him with my teary eyes but it didn't seems to bother him.
Jimin: So now you are saying that you wanted to distract me from work? If you like don't me working then let me tell that it's your problem not mine. I won't stop working.
I looked at my fingers which were playing with each other.
Y/n: Is your work important than me?
I looked up at him just see him glaring at me.
Jimin: Yes, it is.
He said and exit the room.
I let myself fall on the bed.
Y/n: You are so stupid Y/n!!
I blamed myself. I should have know, we are not close enough that I use his thing.
But this side of him was so different, totally opposite from the Jimin who was comforting me a week ago.
I don't like this side of him. I don't like when he behaves rudely with me.


I woke up feeling my throat burning. I took my phone to check the time. It was 5:57 a.m in the morning. I looked at the other side of the bed but Jimin was not there.
Where is he? I looked in the bathroom and then went downstairs. I looked in the living room, kitchen and every corner of the house. Jimin was nowhere to be found.
Then it hit me.
Y/n: Did he already left?
I rushed to upstairs in our bedroom. I opened the closet. Some of his clothes were missing.
He left. He left without telling me.
I felt like the tears automatically made its way up to my eyes. But I didn't let them fall.
Y/n: Maybe he didn't want to wake me up so he left without telling me. Yes, that's what would have happened!!
I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine as I did not feel like sleeping anymore.


I entered in the bedroom and put my handbag on the bed. I took out my phone.
No calls.
No messages.
The whole day has passed but he didn't even bother to send a message.
I looked at his number in my phone.
Y/n: Are you talking to someone better than me?


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