Chapter 7

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“Sisters, as you know, also have a unique relationship. This is the person who has known you your entire life, who should love you and stand by you no matter what, and yet it's your sister who knows exactly where to drive the knife to hurt you the most.” Lisa See


Chapter Seven

Elena felt the bile rise in her throat as she pushed the door open. When she entered the room, she saw Gabriela standing in the middle of her four attendants. The ladies were helping her out of her travelling clothes. On the bed was a new, beautiful gown for her to wear to luncheon.

Without looking at her, Gabriela asked, “¿Eres mi traductor?”

Elena gulped. “Sí, la princesa Gabriela,” she replied.

Gabriela’s pale eyes flashed to Elena in an almost violent manner. She pushed her ladies out of the way so that she could see the woman who had just spoken. Her eyes were wide and her jaw dropped. She shook her head in pure disbelief. “Elena?” gasped Gabriela. Gabriela cradled her head in her hands and cried, “¡Fuera de aquí!” She looked up at her bewildered ladies. “¡Fuera de aquí!” she shouted again.

“The Princess is asking you all to leave,” Elena told the ladies. Gabriela’s four ladies seemed to understand English. They silently departed the room with confused expressions on their faces.

Elena was prepared for screaming. She was prepared for accusations and even violence. She was not prepared for what Gabriela did next.

As soon as the ladies were away and the door was closed, Gabriela flew into Elena’s arms and hugged her tightly, so tight that Elena could not breathe. “Elena, thank God!” Gabriela burst into tears and kissed Elena’s cheeks and her forehead. “Are you alright?” she asked desperately. “Are you hurt?”

“I am fine,” Elena assured her.

Gabriela cupped Elena’s face. “Elena, I cannot believe it! Thank God! Thank God!”

Elena had not expected this. Elena had expected her sister to berate her.

Gabriela inspected every inch of Elena just as soon she pulled away. She paid close attention to her stomach. She felt for any protrusions and breathed a sigh of relief. “No child,” she whispered to herself.

“Of course there is no child!” Elena exclaimed, pushing Gabriela away.

“Then what was your reason for running away? If you were not carrying a bastard child, then why?” she asked sharply.

“I could not marry a stranger, Gabriela!” Elena cried. “He is twenty years older than me!”

“Christian is twenty years older than me!” retorted Gabriela. “But I married him because it was my responsibility!”

“I could not be a pawn,” Elena continued. “I did not want to be used. I did not want to lose my identity like Mama has.”

Gabriela sarcastically laughed. “You do not get to want, Elena,” she snapped. “You are royal. Your responsibilities come before your desires.”

Tears ran down Elena’s cheeks as she went over to Gabriela’s bed. She sat down on the edge of the bed and buried her face in her hands. “I could not do it,” she sobbed. “I could not marry him. I want to love my husband. I want my husband to love me.” Was that really such a ridiculous hope? Elena wanted to be loved. She wanted to be cherished. She wanted a husband who would want her above anyone else. She did not want to be trapped in a royal palace while he husband kept mistresses and bastard children.

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