Chapter 25

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“It's not given to people to judge what's right or wrong. People have eternally been mistaken and will be mistaken, and in nothing more than in what they consider right and wrong.” Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace


Chapter Twenty – Five

David was amazed at the sudden number of friends he had once he was introduced to the Spanish Court as a British friend of the King. The nobles tried to string their English words together so that they could make his acquaintance.

Elena had later told him that they were trying to gain the good favour of the King. It was not difficult to be in good favour with Juan as a noble, apparently. One had to only be loyal to and complimentary of the King. Joaquín was different, and they were yet to learn how he liked things. Being kind to his friend was clearly their first idea.

David became all the more popular when it was announced that Princess Elena was no longer engaged to Prince Carlos. Elena did not hide her affection for David, not that he minded, so it was clear to the Court that David would one day be Princess Elena’s husband.

Marisol also became a sparkling addition to the Court. Many of the older nobles were familiar with, or friends of, her father. They were very eager to have the ear of the next Queen of Portugal. She looked at ease on the arm of Prince Carlos. David was very grateful to her for taking Elena’s place, but he was sure she would be happy in Portugal.

David enjoyed seeing the royal side of Elena. He had only previously known the timid, reserved side. Even though, then, he had seen her kind and sweet temperament, he now could see how confident and enchanting she could be in a crowd. Her presence, her smile, was infectious, and even thought Court, and Spain, were mourning, everyone flocked to their captivating Princess.

Elena’s popularity made David think. Would Elena want to leave Spain? He could possibly live in Spain for a time, but his duties and responsibilities were in Britain. He would have to return to England permanently one day. She spoke so fondly of her country, its traditions culture and cuisine. She was proud to show David her heritage and he was happy to learn. But would Elena be willing to leave Spain permanently?

After a fortnight of Court gatherings, dinners, musical ensembles and church services, David found himself witnessing a Catholic marriage for the first time. The bride wore an ivory wedding gown that belonged to her English mother. David recognised the styles from the many portraits that hung on the walls at Ascot.

Elena wore red as she served as maid of honour for Marisol. David thought red Elena’s best colour. Both Elena and Marisol wore full Spanish roses in their hair which was fixed with a peineta.

Standing, or rather sitting, in a church as grand as the one he was in made him think seriously at how he was to propose to Elena. He had asked Joaquín’s permission a fortnight ago, after all.

The wedding reception was a glamorous and spirited affair, complete with music, dancing and a grand feast. The string music was unlike anything he had ever heard in England. It was so passionate and hypnotising.

Elena performed her duties as the doting bridesmaid. She attended Marisol, fetching her beverages and fixing her gown if it ever crinkled. Soon after the bride and bridegroom had danced for the first time, Elena whispered something in the conductor’s ear before she quickly flitted to David’s side.

“Are you going to ask me to dance? They will be playing my favourite dance,” she hinted, smiling deviously.

Soon after, the musicians began to strum their guitars, signalling that the next dance was to commence.

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