Chapter 19

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"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." Andy Warhol


Chapter Nineteen

Elena hated to admit it, but Carlos was a genuinely kind man. They had walked around the palace grounds for an hour while Joaquín stayed ten feet behind them. He was genuinely curious about her likes and dislikes, he wanted to know what she require for their journey to Portugal, and he wanted to know how he could make the transition easier for her.

Elena quickly became fond of Carlos, and she now knew why Joaquín had wanted Elena to return to him. She did believe that Carlos would protect her. He would ensure her happiness and safety despite her childish escapades. Elena knew that she would never love him, but she could respect him.

“Did you enjoy your time in England?” asked Carlos curiously.

Elena arched an eyebrow, the movement pulling on her bruises. She quickly relaxed the muscles. “Are you sure you want to know about my time in England?” she replied.

“Yes,” confirmed Carlos, “for I have never been. Was it nice?”

Elena nodded. “Very nice. England was … wonderful,” she said quietly. England was more than wonderful. Her memories of England would tide her over for life. Her memories were what would make going through with this marriage bearable.

Carlos paused and turned to face Elena. He smiled down at her warmly, yet she could see the sympathy in dark eyes. Behind them, Joaquín paused as well. “Elena – may I call you ‘Elena’?” he checked. Elena nodded. “Elena,” he continued, “I know that marrying me is not what you want.”

Elena pursed her lips guiltily.

Carlos chuckled quietly to himself. “It is alright, Elena. I am not offended. I was in love once, as well.”

Elena’s eyes widened. How did he know?

“She looked at her betrothed the exact same way when she was in love with me,” continued Carlos quietly, keeping his voice low so that Joaquín would not hear.

Was Elena’s unrequited love for David obvious? “What happened to her?” she whispered.

“She married her betrothed,” replied Carlos. “She and my brother have four beautiful children and they are very happy together.”

Carlos had been in love with his brother’s fiancée? He had watched the woman he loved be happy with another? That saddened Elena deeply.

“My point is that we do not always marry the people that we want, but we can still be happy with the people that we do marry.” He sighed contently and continued to walk with Elena by his side. “I know that you did not fall in your bedchamber, Elena. I know what that man did to you. Your mother told me.”

“My mother?” Lupe had never betrayed Juan like that before.

Carlos nodded. “Your mother wants you as far away from your father as possible.”

“My mother does not care about me. Perhaps you misunderstood. She probably wants to send me away because she does not like me,” decided Elena.

Carlos’ lips twitched up into a smile. “Your mother is protecting you the only way she knows how,” he replied. “We will be married from your church on Sunday before having a ceremony before the Portuguese Court upon our return. I promise I will keep you safe.”

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